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Journal: Andrologia Andrologia ISSN (P) 0303-4569 ISSN (E) 1439-0272 ISSN (L) 0303-4569
Publisher: (9694) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc. (Alias: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Wiley, Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley Blackwell, J. Wiley & Sons, John Wiley & Sons, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Wiley and Sons, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)

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Item Type: Journal/Series
Publication Type: Journal
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Refereed Source: Import
Ulrichsweb ID: 66970
Sherpa Romeo Id: 2455
Divisions: Unspecified
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R&P Contract Details:
Contract Name/TitlePeriod of validityContract ID or numberURL of web page
Wiley Journals01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022Wiley2022
Wiley Journals01.05.2021 - 31.12.2021Wiley2021
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2012 16:03
Last Modified: 01 Sep 2024 00:16

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