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Journal: International Journal of Manpower Int J Manpow ISSN (P) 0143-7720 ISSN (E) 1758-6577 ISSN (L) 0143-7720
Publisher: (2680) Emerald Publishing (Alias: Emerald, Emerald Publishing Limited)

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Item Type: Journal/Series
Publication Type: Journal
Refereed: Yes
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Accepted ManuscriptYes31Academic Social Network/ Scholarly Collaboration Networks that have signed up to the Voluntary STM Sharing Principles
Deposit may occur upon publication
Must link to publisher version with DOI
Published source must be acknowledged with citation
CC BY-NC 4.0, Publisher's Bespoke License
Published PDFNo31
Published PDFHybrid31Published source must be acknowledged with citationCC BY 4.0
DOAJ: No, journal is not listed in DOAJ
URLURL Type Access Policies and FAQs guidelines author rights
Conflict: No
Refereed Source: User
Sherpa Romeo Id: 2796
Divisions: 03 Faculty of Economics > Department of Business Administration
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R&P Contract available?: No
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Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2012 16:17
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2024 00:16

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