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Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions ISSN (P) 1812-2108 ISSN (E) 1812-2116 ISSN (L) 1812-2116
Publisher: (1982) Copernicus Publications (Alias: Copernicus Publications, Copernicus GMBH)

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Item Type: Journal/Series
Publication Type: Journal
Refereed: Yes
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Accepted ManuscriptYes185Published source must be acknowledged with citationAuthors
Published PDFYes185Published source must be acknowledged with citationCC BY 4.0Authors
DOAJ: No, journal is not listed in DOAJ
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Conflict: No
Refereed Source: Import
Ulrichsweb ID: 600511
Sherpa Romeo Id: 1237
Divisions: 07 Faculty of Science > Institute of Geography
License: CC BY 3.0
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Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2012 17:03
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2024 00:17

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