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Journal Database (Zurich Open Repository and Archive)


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(ZORA-952, 2023/06/07)
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    Number of items at this level: 45.


    Journal: Turkish Journal of Pediatrics

    Journal: Seizure

    Journal: Journal of Medical Genetics

    Journal: Journal of Applied Genetics

    Journal: International journal of molecular medicine

    Journal: Croatian Medical Journal

    Journal: Best Practice & Research. Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

    Journal: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

    Journal: American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A

    Journal: Acta Paediatrica Hungarica

    Journal: American Journal of Medical Genetics

    Journal: Annales de génétique

    Journal: Archiv der Julius-Klaus-Stiftung für Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene

    Journal: Archiv fuer Gynaekologie

    Journal: Archiv für Genetik

    Journal: Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften

    Journal: Cytogenetics

    Journal: Cytogenetics and cell genetics

    Journal: Epilepsia Open

    Journal: Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde

    Journal: Helvetica Paediatrica Acta

    Journal: Human Genetics and Genomics Advances

    Journal: Journal de Genetique Humaine

    Journal: Klinische Genetik in der Pädiatrie : Symposium

    Journal: Major Problems in Clinical Pediatrics

    Journal: Mutation Research - Section on Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects

    Journal: Mutation research. Mutation research letters

    Journal: Nephron Clinical Practice

    Journal: Neurofibromatosis

    Journal: Proceedings of the Greenwood Genetic Center

    Journal: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research

    Journal: Progress in Medical Genetics

    Journal: Pädiatrische Fortbildungskurse für die Praxis = Cours de perfectionnement en pédiatrie pour le praticien

    Journal: Ricerca in Clinica e in Laboratorio

    Journal: Syndrome Identification

    Journal: Zeitschrift fur Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete

    Journal: der informierte @rzt

    Journal: n p j Genomic Medicine


    Publisher (9694) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc. :

    Publisher (7610) Spandidos Publications :

    Publisher (6293) Polish Academy of Sciences :

    Publisher (5501) Mosby, Inc. :

    Publisher (5352) Medicinska naklada, Zagreb :

    Publisher (4253) International Children's Center (I C C) :

    Publisher (2674) Elsevier :

    This list was generated on Thu Apr 18 23:05:19 2024 CEST.