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Journal: palliative ch
Journal: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung
Journal: Z-aktuell: die Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft Zwangserkrankungen e.V
Journal: Tribuna Medica Ticinese
Journal: British Journal of Psychiatry
Journal: Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie
Journal: Qualitative health research
Journal: Psychosomatik und Konsiliarpsychiatrie
Journal: Psychological Trauma
Journal: Psychodynamische Psychotherapie (PDP)
Journal: Psihologija
Journal: Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry
Journal: Perioperative Medicine
Journal: Nóos
Journal: Notfall & Hausarztmedizin
Journal: Nature Reviews. Neurology
Journal: Mind & Brain, the Journal of Psychiatry
Journal: Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
Journal: Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
Journal: Journal of Clinical Immunology
Journal: Journal of Cardiology
Journal: Journal für Hypertonie
Journal: International Immunology
Journal: International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine
Journal: International Journal of COPD
Journal: Info Bulletin Eidgenössische Justiz- und Polizeidepartement EJPD
Journal: InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie
Journal: Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care
Journal: Hausarzt Praxis
Journal: Family Medicine
Journal: Central European Journal of Public Health
Journal: European Journal of Public Health
Journal: European Journal of Psychiatry
Journal: European Journal of Cancer Care
Journal: Die Psychiatrie
Journal: Dermatology
Journal: Der Allgemeinarzt
Journal: Case Reports in Neurological Medicine
Journal: Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie
Journal: Calcified tissue international
Journal: Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
Journal: British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Journal: Biochemical Society Transactions
Journal: BMC Neuroscience
Journal: BMC Nephrology
Journal: American Journal of Psychotherapy
Journal: Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
Journal: BJPsych Open
Journal: BMJ Mental Health
Journal: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung
Journal: Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation
Journal: Children and Youth Services Review
Journal: Cognitive Semantics
Journal: European Journal of Endocrinology
Journal: European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation
Journal: International Federation for Psychotherapy. Newsletter
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Psychology
Journal: International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports
Journal: International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal
Journal: JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Journal: Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress
Journal: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
Journal: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Journal: Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment
Journal: Journal of migration and health
Journal: L' Information Psychiatrique
Journal: Medicographia
Journal: Newsletter Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zwangsstörungen
Journal: PRAXIS
Journal: Sage Open Medicine
Journal: Schweizer Krebsbulletin
Journal: Spectrum Psychiatrie
Journal: Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Journal: The European Society of Cardiology Series
Journal: The Lancet Psychiatry
Journal: Ärztliche Praxis Neurologie Psychiatrie
Publisher (9694) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc. :
Publisher (8538) Universidad de Zaragoza :
Publisher (8109) Tigis s. r. o. :
Publisher (7840) Taylor & Francis :
Publisher (7630) Springer :
Publisher (6867) Schattauer :
Publisher (6770) Sage Publications :
Publisher (6819) STFM :
Publisher (6721) Royal College of Psychiatrists :
Publisher (6697) Rosenfluh :
Publisher (6380) Portland Press :
Publisher (6103) Oxford University Press :
Publisher (5737) Nature Publishing Group :
Publisher (5501) Mosby, Inc. :
Publisher (5355) Medien & Medizin Verlag :
Publisher (4802) Kirchheim :
Publisher (4751) Karger :
Publisher (3772) Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore :
Publisher (3426) Guilford Press :
Publisher (6907) Gesellschaft für Palliative Medizin, Pflege und Begleitung :
Publisher (2674) Elsevier :
Publisher (2316) Drustvo Psihologa Srbije :
Publisher (2293) Dove Medical Press Ltd. :
Publisher (2219) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zwangserkrankungen :
Publisher (1527) Canadian Psychiatric Association :
Publisher (1364) Bundesamt für Justiz, Sektion Straf- und Massnahmenvollzug :
Publisher (1187) BioMed Central :
Publisher (862) Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy :
Publisher (471) American Psychological Association :