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Journal: Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O
Journal: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift
Journal: Water Environment Research
Journal: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie
Journal: Value in Health
Journal: Vacunas
Journal: Vaccine
Journal: Tropical Medicine & International Health
Journal: Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease
Journal: Therapy
Journal: Lancet Infectious Diseases
Journal: The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Journal: The Clinical Neuropsychologist
Journal: The British Journal of Nutrition
Journal: The American Statistician
Journal: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Journal: American Journal of Medicine
Journal: Swiss Surgery
Journal: Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Journal: Supportive Care in Cancer
Journal: Statistics and Computing
Journal: Statistical Modelling
Journal: Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Journal: Sozial- und Präventivmedizin
Journal: Schweizerische Arzt und Spital-Revue
Journal: Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Journal: Raisons de santé
Journal: Public Health Reports
Journal: Public Health
Journal: Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
Journal: Preventive Medicine
Journal: Phlebologie
Journal: Pharmacoeconomics
Journal: Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Journal: Occupational Medicine
Journal: Obesity Surgery
Journal: Nutrition Research
Journal: Noise & health
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Journal: Médecine et maladies infectieuses
Journal: Mobile
Journal: Malaria Journal
Journal: Leukemia & Lymphoma
Journal: Leukemia & Lymphoma
Journal: Leading Opinions. Kardiologie & Gefässmedizin
Journal: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C
Journal: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B
Journal: Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Journal: Journal of the International Association of Physicians in Aids Care
Journal: Journal of the American Dental Association
Journal: Journal of Women's Health
Journal: Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
Journal: Journal of Travel Medicine
Journal: Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part B
Journal: Journal of Statistical Software
Journal: Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Journal: Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Journal: Journal of Psychiatric Research
Journal: Journal of Primary Prevention
Journal: Journal of Physical Activity and Health
Journal: Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
Journal: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal: Journal of Occupational Health
Journal: Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Journal: Journal of Medical Virology
Journal: Journal of Hematology & Oncology
Journal: Journal of Food Engineering
Journal: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Journal: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal: Journal of Child Neurology
Journal: Journal of Burn Care & Research
Journal: Italian Journal of Public Health
Journal: International Urogynecology Journal
Journal: International Journal of Sports Medicine
Journal: International Journal of Dermatology
Journal: International Journal of Public Health
Journal: International Journal of Public Health
Journal: International Journal of Pediatric Obesity
Journal: International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Journal: International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
Journal: Injury Prevention
Journal: Inhalation toxicology
Journal: Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses
Journal: Infectious Disease Clinics of North America
Journal: In Vivo
Journal: Hematological oncology
Journal: Heart Drug
Journal: Health Promotion International
Journal: Health Expectations
Journal: Health Education Research
Journal: HIV Therapy
Journal: Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement
Journal: Frontiers in Pharmacology
Journal: Expert Review of Vaccines
Journal: Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research
Journal: Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy
Journal: European Journal of Epidemiology
Journal: European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care
Journal: European Geriatric Medicine
Journal: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Journal: Ernährung und Medizin
Journal: Environmetrics
Journal: EJNMMI Research
Journal: Dysphagia
Journal: Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research
Journal: Diabetes & Metabolism
Journal: Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports
Journal: Critical reviews in oncology/hematology
Journal: Contact Dermatitis
Journal: Computational Statistics
Journal: Clinical Neuropsychologist
Journal: Clinical Microbiology Reviews
Journal: Clinical Infectious Diseases
Journal: Clinical Breast Cancer
Journal: Circulation. Cardiovascular Interventions
Journal: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
Journal: Cardiology Review
Journal: Cancer Imaging
Journal: Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention
Journal: Cancer Causes & Control
Journal: Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Journal: Bulletin Bundesamt für Gesundheit
Journal: British Journal of Sports Medicine
Journal: Breast
Journal: Brachytherapy
Journal: Biostatistics
Journal: Biometrics
Journal: Biometrical Journal
Journal: Bayesian Analysis
Journal: BMC Pediatrics
Journal: BMC Dermatology
Journal: Austrian Journal of Statistics
Journal: Arthritis Research & Therapy
Journal: Annals of Surgical Oncology
Journal: Annals of Applied Statistics
Journal: Annali Di Igiene
Journal: American Journal of Medical Quality
Journal: American Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Journal: Advanced Studies in Medicine
Journal: Acustica United with Acta Acustica
Journal: Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Journal: AIDS Care
Journal: AIDS Infothek
Journal: APIS Theorie
Journal: Abhängigkeiten
Journal: Aids und HIV-Infektionen in Klinik und Praxis
Journal: Allergo Journal International
Journal: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration
Journal: Analyses et prospective
Journal: Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Journal: Annales medicinae militaris belgicae
Journal: Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Journal: Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
Journal: Arzt & Praxis
Journal: BFS Aktuell
Journal: Basic and Clinical Dermatology
Journal: Beitraege zur Sexualforschung
Journal: Beiträge zur Gesundheitsökonomie
Journal: Berliner Historische Studien
Journal: Biological Monitoring
Journal: Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry
Journal: Bone and Joint Research
Journal: Breast Care
Journal: Bremer Ärzteblatt
Journal: British Heart Journal
Journal: British Journal of Industrial Medicine
Journal: Bulletin - Schweizerische Stiftung für Kardiologie
Journal: Bulletin / Medicus Mundi Schweiz
Journal: Bulletin des Bundesamtes für Gesundheitswesen
Journal: Bulletin of the Embassy of Switzerland
Journal: CHD Prevention Newsletter
Journal: CVD epidemiology newsletter
Journal: Cahiers d'études de l'ISH
Journal: Cahiers de Medecine du Travail
Journal: Cahiers de recherches et de documentation
Journal: Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology
Journal: Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease
Journal: Cancer and Clinical Oncology
Journal: Challenges of modern medicine
Journal: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
Journal: Clinical researcher : the authority in ethical, responsible clinical research
Journal: Collection "politique sociale"
Journal: Computing science and statistics
Journal: Contributions to statistics
Journal: Current Environmental Health Reports
Journal: Current Infectious Disease Reports
Journal: Current Issues in Sport Science
Journal: Current Nutrition Reports
Journal: Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry
Journal: DHEW Publication
Journal: Das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen
Journal: Dentistry
Journal: Der Basler Arzt
Journal: Der Jugendpsychologe
Journal: Der Mensch
Journal: Die Schweizer Hebamme
Journal: Documenta Ciba-Geigy : internationales Forum für den Arzt
Journal: Drogalkohol
Journal: Egotherapie
Journal: Elternbildung
Journal: Epistula ALASS
Journal: Ergebnisse sozialwissenschaftlicher Aids-Forschung
Journal: Ernaehrung
Journal: European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care
Journal: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Journal: European Journal of Endocrinology
Journal: European Journal of Respiratory Diseases
Journal: Food Science & Nutrition
Journal: Forschende Komplementärmedizin
Journal: Forschung & Praxis : Kongress-Special
Journal: Fortschritte der Gemeindepsychologie und Gesundheitsförderung (FGG)
Journal: Fortschritte der operativen und onkologischen Dermatologie
Journal: Forum Mondial de la Sante
Journal: Frauenfragen
Journal: Frontiers in Nephrology
Journal: GDI Schriften
Journal: Gastroenterology International
Journal: Geriatrie-Praxis
Journal: Geschlecht und Gesellschaft
Journal: Gesundheit und Gesellschaft
Journal: Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik
Journal: Gesundheitsforschung
Journal: Gesundheitspolitische Informationen
Journal: Gorgo : Zeitschrift für archetypische Psychologie, bildhaftes Denken und Mythodrama
Journal: Heartbeat
Journal: Helvetica Paediatrica Acta
Journal: Hexagon Roche
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Journal: IFMSA review
Journal: Infomedica : revista lunara de informatii medicale
Journal: Informationsbulletin / Union Schweizerischer Chirurgischer Fachgesellschaften
Journal: Informazioni statistiche / Ufficio cantonale di statistica (Ticino)
Journal: Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery: Advanced Techniques and Case Management
Journal: Intermed : Zeitschrift der Studierenden medizinischer Richtung der Schweiz
Journal: International Boehringer Mannheim Symposia
Journal: International Health
Journal: International Journal of Cardiology. Heart & Vessels
Journal: International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Journal: International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Journal: International Journal of Neurorehabilitation
Journal: International Journal of Workplace Health Management
Journal: International Statistical Review
Journal: International journal of health sciences
Journal: International neurourology journal
Journal: JAMA Cardiology
Journal: JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
Journal: JMIR nursing
Journal: JMIR research protocols
Journal: Jahrbuch Kritische Medizin
Journal: Journal des Caisses Maladie Suisses
Journal: Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience
Journal: Journal für Menopause. Schweizerische Ausgabe
Journal: Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Journal: Journal of Cardiovascular Risk
Journal: Journal of Child and Adolescent Health
Journal: Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research
Journal: Journal of Diabetes Research
Journal: Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Journal: Journal of Geriatric Oncology
Journal: Journal of Manual Medicine
Journal: Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Journal: Journal of Population Ageing
Journal: Journal of Smoking-Related Disorders
Journal: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Journal: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Journal: Journal of Transport & Health
Journal: Journal of Wilderness Medicine
Journal: Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
Journal: Korean Journal of Urology
Journal: Le Temps Strategique
Journal: Le fait médical : de la recherche au patient
Journal: Lebensmittel-Technologie
Journal: Lecture Notes in Statistics
Journal: Lehrbuch Gesundheitswissenschaften
Journal: Les cahiers m
Journal: Litera medica
Journal: Lärmbekämpfung
Journal: Magglingen
Journal: Materialien zur Gesundheitsförderung LGZ
Journal: Medicina generalis helvetica
Journal: Medita : Zeitschrift für Spitalmedizin
Journal: Medizinische Forschung
Journal: Mitteilungen der Lebensversicherer an die Schweizer Ärzteschaft
Journal: Mitteilungen der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie
Journal: Multiple Sclerosis Journal – Experimental, Translational and Clinical
Journal: Médecine et Hygiène
Journal: NAQ-News
Journal: Nationales Krebs-Bekämpfungsprogramm
Journal: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde
Journal: OA Epidemiology
Journal: Oral health and dental management
Journal: PLOS Digital Health
Journal: PRAXIS
Journal: Packaging Technology and Science
Journal: Pediatric Obesity
Journal: Pharma Direkt
Journal: Philosophy & Technology
Journal: Physiotherapie
Journal: Preventive Medicine Reports
Journal: Profilakticeskaja medicina
Journal: Prävention
Journal: Psychologie Médicale
Journal: Public Health Action
Journal: Public Health Forum
Journal: Publications de l'Institut suisse de droit comparé
Journal: Publications de l'Université de Lausanne
Journal: Research Synthesis Methods
Journal: Research in exercise epidemiology
Journal: Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande
Journal: Revue sexologique - Sexological review
Journal: SKZ. Schweizerische Krankenkassen-Zeitung
Journal: SSM Mental Health
Journal: Sandorama (French Edition)
Journal: Sandorama (German Edition)
Journal: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
Journal: Schriftenreihe / Schule und Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich
Journal: Schriftenreihe / Schweizerische Vereinigung für Ernährung
Journal: Schriftenreihe der Akademie für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen
Journal: Schriftenreihe der SGGP
Journal: Schriftenreihe der Schweizerischen Stiftung Pro Mente Sana
Journal: Schweizer Apotheker-Zeitung
Journal: Schweizer Arbeitgeber
Journal: Schweizer Ernährungsbulletin
Journal: Schweizer Journal
Journal: Schweizer Krebsbulletin
Journal: Schweizer Spital
Journal: Schweizerische Apotheker-Zeitung
Journal: Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift (Supplementum)
Journal: Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin PRAXIS
Journal: Schweizerische Zeitschrift fuer Militaer- und Katastrophenmedizin
Journal: Sciences sociales et santé
Journal: Serie Gesundheit: Gesundheitsförderung und Gesundheitswesen im Kanton Zürich
Journal: Significance
Journal: Sozialpaediatrie in Praxis und Klinik
Journal: Springer proceedings in mathematics and statistics
Journal: Stat
Journal: Statistica Neerlandica
Journal: Statistical Science
Journal: Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research
Journal: Surgery in Practice and Science
Journal: Swiss Med
Journal: Swiss Pharma
Journal: Symposia of the Giovanni Lorenzini Foundation
Journal: The Lancet Public Health
Journal: Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease
Journal: Therapiewoche
Journal: Translational Medicine Communications
Journal: Transport Policy
Journal: Transport Reviews
Journal: Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives
Journal: Travel medicine international
Journal: Tuberkulose und Lungenkrankheiten
Journal: Turkish Journal of Urology
Journal: Washington and Lee Law Review
Journal: Werkstattberichte der ch-x
Journal: Wissenschaftspolitik. Beiheft
Journal: World Health Forum
Journal: World Journal of Psychiatry
Journal: Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin
Journal: Zeitschrift für ärztliche Fortbildung
Journal: datamaster : die Fachzeitschrift für einen vernetzten Gesundheitsmarkt
Journal: info@onkologie
Publisher (9956) Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft :
Publisher (9910) med-ICT :
Publisher (9885) e-MED Ltd :
Publisher (9732) World Health Organization :
Publisher (9695) Wiley-VCH Verlag :
Publisher (9694) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc. :
Publisher (9632) Water Environment Federation :
Publisher (8918) University of California, Los Angeles :
Publisher (8729) Universimed Cross Media Content :
Publisher (7840) Taylor & Francis :
Publisher (7630) Springer :
Publisher (7347) Societa Editrice Universo :
Publisher (6976) Science Publications :
Publisher (6867) Schattauer :
Publisher (6770) Sage Publications :
Publisher (6743) Royal Statistical Society :
Publisher (6428) Prex spa :
Publisher (6103) Oxford University Press :
Publisher (5374) Medknow Publications :
Publisher (5343) Medical World Business Press :
Publisher (5239) Mary Ann Liebert :
Publisher (5063) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins :
Publisher (8004) Lancet Publishing :
Publisher (4751) Karger :
Publisher (4580) Japan Society for Occupational Health :
Publisher (4409) International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease :
Publisher (4385) International Society for Bayesian Analysis :
Publisher (4285) International Institute of Anticancer Research :
Publisher (4011) Institute of Mathematical Statistics :
Publisher (3839) Informa Healthcare :
Publisher (3664) Human Kinetics :
Publisher (3643) Hospices / CHUV - DUMSC :
Publisher (3622) Hogrefe & Huber :
Publisher (3590) Hirzel Verlag :
Publisher (3434) Gustav Fischer Verlag :
Publisher (3271) Georg Thieme Verlag :
Publisher (3219) Galen Publishing :
Publisher (3175) Future Medicine :
Publisher (2854) Expert Reviews :
Publisher (2849) Excerpta Medica, Inc. :
Publisher (2674) Elsevier :
Publisher (9622) De Gruyter :
Publisher (1821) Churchill Livingstone :
Publisher (1485) Cambridge University Press :
Publisher (1434) CIG Media Group :
Publisher (1366) Bundesamt für Sport BASPO :
Publisher (1362) Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) :
Publisher (1211) Birkhäuser :
Publisher (1187) BioMed Central :
Publisher (1068) BMJ Publishing Group :
Publisher (905) Association of Schools of Public Health :
Publisher (528) American Statistical Association :
Publisher (524) American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene :
Publisher (492) American Society for Microbiology :
Publisher (408) American Dental Association :
Publisher (358) American Association for Cancer Research :
Publisher (197) Adis International Ltd. :