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Journal Database (Zurich Open Repository and Archive)


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(ZORA-952, 2023/06/07)
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    Number of items at this level: 173.


    Journal: Trends in Plant Science

    Journal: Topiaria Helvetica

    Journal: Wilson Journal of Ornithology

    Journal: The Bryological Times

    Journal: Telopea

    Journal: Taxon

    Journal: Systematic Botany

    Journal: Systematic Biology

    Journal: South African Journal of Botany

    Journal: Society & Natural Resources

    Journal: Selbyana

    Journal: Schumannia

    Journal: Sborník Národního muzea v Praze. Acta Musei nationalis Pragae

    Journal: Revista Boliviana de Ecología y Conservación Ambiental

    Journal: Plant Systematics and Evolution

    Journal: Plant Species Biology

    Journal: Plant Ecology and Diversity

    Journal: Plant Ecology

    Journal: Plant Biology

    Journal: Phytotaxa

    Journal: Phyton: Annales Rei Botanicae

    Journal: PhytoKeys

    Journal: Novon

    Journal: New Phytologist

    Journal: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

    Journal: Meylania

    Journal: Kew Bulletin

    Journal: Journal of Systematics and Evolution

    Journal: Journal of Ornithology

    Journal: Journal of Ethnopharmacology

    Journal: Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

    Journal: Journal of Ecology

    Journal: Journal of Bryology

    Journal: Journal of Biogeography

    Journal: Joannea Botanik

    Journal: Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden

    Journal: International Journal of Ecology

    Journal: Haseltonia

    Journal: Global Ecology and Biogeography

    Journal: Functional Ecology

    Journal: Folia Geobotanica

    Journal: Flora

    Journal: Field Bryology

    Journal: Evolutionary Applications

    Journal: Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

    Journal: Edinburgh Journal of Botany

    Journal: Economic Botany

    Journal: Ecología en Bolivia

    Journal: Ecology Letters

    Journal: Ecological Modelling

    Journal: Ecological Complexity

    Journal: Current Biology

    Journal: Science Bulletin

    Journal: Candollea

    Journal: Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club

    Journal: Brittonia

    Journal: Bradleya

    Journal: Bothalia

    Journal: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

    Journal: Biologia Plantarum

    Journal: Biodiversity and Conservation

    Journal: BMC Evolutionary Biology

    Journal: Austral Ecology

    Journal: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden

    Journal: Annals of Botany

    Journal: Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France

    Journal: American Journal of Botany

    Journal: American Fern Journal

    Journal: Agroforestry Systems

    Journal: Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae

    Journal: Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica

    Journal: Acta Botánica Mexicana

    Journal: Acta Botanica Brasilica

    Journal: Advances in Botanical Research

    Journal: Alpine Botany

    Journal: Applications in Plant Sciences

    Journal: Applied Vegetation Science

    Journal: Aquatic Botany

    Journal: Arnaldoa

    Journal: Australian Systematic Botany

    Journal: Baiosaiensu to indasutorī

    Journal: Bauhinia

    Journal: BioScience

    Journal: Biodiversity & Ecology

    Journal: Biological Invasions

    Journal: Botanical Review

    Journal: Botany

    Journal: Botany Letters

    Journal: Bryophyte Diversity

    Journal: Bulletin de la Murithienne

    Journal: Bündner Wald

    Journal: Cryptogamie Bryologie

    Journal: Curtis's Botanical Magazine

    Journal: Das Prothallium

    Journal: Der Gartenbau

    Journal: Documenta Centro Biologia Alpina di Piora

    Journal: Ecotropica

    Journal: Elemente der Naturwissenschaft

    Journal: Fascinating Life Sciences

    Journal: Fern Folio

    Journal: Fern Gazette

    Journal: FernFolio

    Journal: FloraCH

    Journal: Fottea

    Journal: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

    Journal: Gredleriana

    Journal: Gärtnerisch-Botanischer Brief

    Journal: Herzogia

    Journal: Herzogiella

    Journal: Info flora plus

    Journal: Informatore Botanico Italiano

    Journal: Jahrbuch der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden

    Journal: Journal of Arid Land

    Journal: Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany

    Journal: Journal of Ethnobiology

    Journal: Journal of Tropical Ecology

    Journal: Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas

    Journal: Kirkia: The Zimbabwe Journal of Botany

    Journal: Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Glarus

    Journal: Mémoire de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles

    Journal: Neujahrsblatt der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich NGZH

    Journal: Nova Hedwigia

    Journal: Palaeoworld

    Journal: Philosophies

    Journal: Plant Biosystems

    Journal: Plant Ecology and Diversity

    Journal: Plant Ecology and Evolution

    Journal: Plant diversity

    Journal: Plant-environment interactions

    Journal: Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Botánica

    Journal: Schweizerische Beiträge zur Dendrologie

    Journal: Serie recursos hidrobiológicos y pesqueros continentales de Colombia

    Journal: Symbiosis

    Journal: The families and genera of vascular plants

    Journal: Trends in Photochemistry & Photobiology

    Journal: Tropical Grasslands

    Journal: Willdenowia


    Publisher (9701) Wilson Ornithological Society :

    Publisher (9694) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc. :

    Publisher (9448) VdF Hochschulverlag an der ETH Zürich :

    Publisher (7990) The Japanese Society for Plant Taxonomists :

    Publisher (7840) Taylor & Francis :

    Publisher (7630) Springer :

    Publisher (7578) South African National Biodiversity Institute :

    Publisher (7503) Societé Entomologique de France :

    Publisher (7024) Selby Botanical Gardens Press :

    Publisher (6945) Schweizerische Vereinigung für Bryologie und Lichenologie :

    Publisher (6103) Oxford University Press :

    Publisher (5957) Národní muzeum :

    Publisher (5739) Naturforschende Gesellschaft Graubünden (NGG) :

    Publisher (5677) National Herbarium of New South Wales :

    Publisher (5472) Missouri Botanical Garden Press :

    Publisher (5212) Maney Publishing :

    Publisher (5169) Magnolia Press :

    Publisher (4224) International Association of Bryologists (IAB) :

    Publisher (4218) International Association for Plant Taxonomy :

    Publisher (4129) Instituto de Ecología :

    Publisher (3584) Hindawi Publishing Corporation :

    Publisher (2674) Elsevier :

    Publisher (2228) Deutschen Kakteen-Gesellschaft e.V., der Schweizerischen Kakteen-Gesellschaft und der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Kakteenfreunde :

    Publisher (1962) Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève :

    Publisher (1709) Centro de Ecología Simón I. Patiño :

    Publisher (1588) Cell Press (Elsevier) :

    Publisher (1485) Cambridge University Press :

    Publisher (1468) Cactus and Succulent Society of America :

    Publisher (1308) British Ornithologists' Club :

    Publisher (1297) British Cactus & Succulent Society :

    Publisher (1296) British Bryological Society :

    Publisher (1247) Botanical Society of America :

    Publisher (1187) BioMed Central :

    Publisher (1150) Berger :

    Publisher (521) American Society of Plant Taxonomists :

    Publisher (416) American Fern Society, Inc. :

    This list was generated on Tue Sep 10 13:08:16 2024 CEST.