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Journal: mBio
Journal: Trends in Cell Biology
Journal: The Plant Journal
Journal: The Lichenologist
Journal: The ISME journal
Journal: TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik
Journal: Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Journal: Sexual Plant Reproduction
Journal: Scientific Reports
Journal: Scientia Horticulturae
Journal: Proteomics
Journal: Plant signaling & behavior
Journal: Plant molecular biology
Journal: Plant and Soil
Journal: Plant Disease
Journal: Plant Biotechnology Journal
Journal: Plant & Cell Physiology
Journal: Phytopathology
Journal: Phytochemistry
Journal: Physiologia Plantarum
Journal: Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
Journal: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Journal: Nihon Shinka Gakkai nyusu
Journal: Molecules and Cells
Journal: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Journal: Molecular Plant Pathology
Journal: Molecular Breeding
Journal: Microscopy and Microanalysis
Journal: MicrobiologyOpen
Journal: Microbial Ecology
Journal: Micro & Nano Letters
Journal: Limnology and Oceanography
Journal: Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Journal: Journal of natural products
Journal: Journal of Plant Biology
Journal: Journal of Natural Products
Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Journal: Iden : the Review of Biological Sciences
Journal: Geobiology
Journal: Fungal Genetics and Biology
Journal: Functional & Integrative Genomics
Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science
Journal: FEMS Microbiology Reviews
Journal: FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Journal: European Journal of Plant Pathology
Journal: Euphytica
Journal: Essays in biochemistry
Journal: Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Journal: Environmental Science & Technology
Journal: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Journal: Environmental Microbiology
Journal: EPPO Bulletin
Journal: Diversity
Journal: DNA Research
Journal: Current Opinion in Plant Biology
Journal: Current Opinion in Genetics & Development
Journal: Biopolymers and Cell
Journal: BMC Plant Biology
Journal: Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Journal: Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Journal: Annals of Human Biology
Journal: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration
Journal: Agronomy
Journal: Annals of Applied Biology
Journal: Archéologia
Journal: Bacteriophage
Journal: BioMolecular Concepts
Journal: Briefe aus dem Botanischen Garten der Universität Zürich
Journal: Bryologist
Journal: Documenta Centro Biologia Alpina di Piora
Journal: Environmental Microbiology Reports
Journal: Environmental Microbiome
Journal: Evolution Letters
Journal: F1000 Prime Reports
Journal: Forest Tree Breeding of Hokkaido
Journal: Frontiers in Environmental Economics
Journal: Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering
Journal: HFSP Matters
Journal: Handbook of Porphyrin Science
Journal: Harmful Algae
Journal: High-Throughput
Journal: Horticulture Research
Journal: Japanese Journal of Ecology
Journal: Journal Europäischer Orchideen
Journal: Journal of Phycology
Journal: Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
Journal: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
Journal: Kagaku
Journal: Kagaku To Seibutsu
Journal: Nature Food
Journal: Nitrogen
Journal: Phytobiomes Journal
Journal: Plant Cell Monographs
Journal: Plant Direct
Journal: Plant Genetic Resources
Journal: Plant Reproduction
Journal: Plant Science
Journal: Plants
Journal: Population Ecology
Journal: Protein, Nucleic Acid and Enzyme
Journal: Shuseibutsugaku kenkyū
Journal: Small Methods
Journal: Swiss Academies. Factsheets
Journal: The Mycota
Journal: Trends in Photochemistry & Photobiology
Journal: mLife
Publisher (9694) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc. :
Publisher (7970) The Institution of Engineering and Technology :
Publisher (7912) The American Phytopathological Society :
Publisher (7630) Springer :
Publisher (6737) Royal Society of Chemistry :
Publisher (6380) Portland Press :
Publisher (6217) Pergamon :
Publisher (6103) Oxford University Press :
Publisher (5848) Nihon shinka gakkai :
Publisher (5737) Nature Publishing Group :
Publisher (5605) NTS Inc. :
Publisher (5134) MDPI Publishing :
Publisher (4969) Landes Bioscience :
Publisher (4860) Korean Society for Molecular Biology :
Publisher (4693) Journal of Natural Products :
Publisher (4035) Institute of molecular biology and genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine :
Publisher (3839) Informa Healthcare :
Publisher (2674) Elsevier :
Publisher (1485) Cambridge University Press :
Publisher (1187) BioMed Central :
Publisher (512) American Society of Limnology and Oceanography :
Publisher (492) American Society for Microbiology :
Publisher (464) American Phytopathological Society :
Publisher (393) American Chemical Society (ACS) :