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Journal Database (Zurich Open Repository and Archive)


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(ZORA-952, 2023/06/07)
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    Number of items at this level: 67.


    Journal: Zeitschrift Schreiben

    Journal: The Lichenologist

    Journal: Scientia Horticulturae

    Journal: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

    Journal: Journal of Bryology

    Journal: Joannea Botanik

    Journal: Haseltonia

    Journal: Austral Ecology

    Journal: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden

    Journal: Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae

    Journal: Acta Botánica Mexicana

    Journal: Advances in Botanical Research

    Journal: Agronomy

    Journal: Annals of Applied Biology

    Journal: Applied Vegetation Science

    Journal: Archéologia

    Journal: Arnaldoa

    Journal: Bauhinia

    Journal: BioMolecular Concepts

    Journal: Botany Letters

    Journal: Briefe aus dem Botanischen Garten der Universität Zürich

    Journal: Bryologist

    Journal: Bryophyte Diversity & Evolution

    Journal: Bündner Wald

    Journal: Cryptogamie Bryologie

    Journal: Das Prothallium

    Journal: Documenta Centro Biologia Alpina di Piora

    Journal: Elemente der Naturwissenschaft

    Journal: Environmental Microbiome

    Journal: F1000 Prime Reports

    Journal: Fern Folio

    Journal: FernFolio

    Journal: FloraCH

    Journal: Frontiers in Environmental Economics

    Journal: Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering

    Journal: Gredleriana

    Journal: Horticulture Research

    Journal: Jahrbuch der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden

    Journal: Journal Europäischer Orchideen

    Journal: Journal of Ethnobiology

    Journal: Journal of Phycology

    Journal: Journal of Plant Growth Regulation

    Journal: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment

    Journal: Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas

    Journal: Kirkia: The Zimbabwe Journal of Botany

    Journal: Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Glarus

    Journal: Mémoire de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles

    Journal: Nature Food

    Journal: Nitrogen

    Journal: Nova Hedwigia

    Journal: Philosophies

    Journal: Phytobiomes Journal

    Journal: Plant Direct

    Journal: Plant Ecology and Evolution

    Journal: Plant Genetic Resources

    Journal: Plant Reproduction

    Journal: Plants

    Journal: Schweizerische Beiträge zur Dendrologie

    Journal: Serie recursos hidrobiológicos y pesqueros continentales de Colombia

    Journal: Small Methods

    Journal: Swiss Academies. Factsheets

    Journal: The Mycota

    Journal: The families and genera of vascular plants

    Journal: Trends in Photochemistry & Photobiology

    Journal: Tropical Grasslands

    Journal: mLife


    Publisher (6509) Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich :

    This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 03:17:39 2025 CET.