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The JDB Views are no longer supported or refreshed or offered in the frontend. This is "Old stuff"!
(ZORA-952, 2023/06/07)
J3eA : Journal sur l'Enseignement des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et des Systèmes
JAAD Case Reports
JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
Jaarboek Thomas Instituut te Utrecht
Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde
Jaarboek van de maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkunde te Leiden
Jaarboek van het Felix Timmermans-genootschap
Jaarboek van het genootschap Amstelodanum
Jaarboek voor Ecologische Geschiedenis
Jaarboek voor Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis
Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis
Jaarboek voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD)
Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis
JAC - Antimicrobial Resistance
JACC: Advances
JACC: Basic to Translational Science
JACC: CardioOncology
JACC. Cardiovascular imaging
JACC : Cardiovascular Imaging
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions
JACC : Case Reports
JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology
JACC: Heart Failure
Jacobs Foundation Series on Adolescence
Jacobs Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology
Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz
Jahrbuch Demokratiepädagogik und Demokratiebildung
Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Denkmalpflege
Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen
Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung Darmstadt
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie
Jahrbuch der deutschen Schillergesellschaft
Jahrbuch der Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft
Jahrbuch der Friedrich Schlegel-Gesellschaft
Jahrbuch der geographischen Gesellschaft Bern
Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung
Jahrbuch der Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jahrbuch der historischen Forschung
Jahrbuch der Klassik Stiftung Weimar
Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis
Jahrbuch der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden
Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik
Jahrbuch der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik.Tests und Trends. Neue Folge
Jahrbuch der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Jahrbuch der Raabe-Gesellschaft
Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik
Jahrbuch der Rheinischen Denkmalpflege
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Tourismuswirtschaft
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Ethnographischen Sammlungen Sachsen
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen in Baden-Württemberg
Jahrbuch der Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten
Jahrbuch der Ungarischen Germanistik
Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Jahrbuch des Frankreichzentrums
Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für das Fürstentum Liechtenstein
Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache
Jahrbuch des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert-Bosch-Stiftung
Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien
Jahrbuch des Museums für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Jahrbuch des Öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart
Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts (JöR)
Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz
Jahrbuch des Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung, Preussischer Kulturbesitz
Jahrbuch des Vereins für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung
Jahrbuch Diakonie Schweiz
Jahrbuch Dokumentarische Methode
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. Neue Folge
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics
Jahrbuch Finanz- und Rechnungswesen
Jahrbuch fuer Internationale Germanistik. Reihe A: Kongressberichte
Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum
Jahrbuch für Badische Kirchen- und Religionsgeschichte
Jahrbuch für biblische Theologie
Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften
Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie
Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands
Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie
Jahrbuch für europäische Ethnologie
Jahrbuch für europäische Geschichte
Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte
Jahrbuch für evangelikale Theologie
JahrBuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
Jahrbuch für Germanistische Sprachgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes
Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas/Anuario de Historia de América Latina
Jahrbuch für Hausforschung
Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung
Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung
Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung
Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik
Jahrbuch für italienisches Recht
Jahrbuch für Jugendtheologie
Jahrbuch für Kinder- und Jugendtheologie
Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte
Jahrbuch fur Kommunismusforschung
Jahrbuch für Leipziger Stadtgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Liturgik und Hymnologie
Jahrbuch für Neue Politische Ökonomie
Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik
Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie
Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik
Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft
Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Volkskunde
Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik
Jahrbuch Grundschulforschung
Jahrbuch : Historische Gesellschaft Graubünden
Jahrbuch Kritische Medizin
Jahrbuch Leopoldina
Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin
Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik
Jahrbuch Musik und Gender
Jahrbuch Politisches Denken
Jahrbuch Qualität der Medien
Jahrbuch Sexualitäten
Jahrbuch Sozialer Protestantismus
Jahrbuch StadtRegion
Jahresbericht / Berufsfachschule Basel
Jahresbericht der Archäologischen Bodenforschung des Kantons Basel-Stadt
Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden
Jahresbericht der Schweizerisch-Liechtensteinischen Stiftung für Archäologische Forschungen im Ausland
Jahresberichte aus Augst und Kaiseraugst
Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins
Jahresbericht Historisches Museum Basel
Jahresbericht ... mit Abhandlungen
Jahresbericht. Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften
Jahresbericht und Mitteilungen
Jahresgabe der Robert Walser-Gesellschaft
Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien
Jahresheft Museum der Bildenden Künste Leipzig
Jahrheft der Ritterhausgesellschaft Bubikon
JAMA Cardiology
JAMA Dermatology
JAMA Internal Medicine
JAMA Network Open
JAMA Neurology
JAMA Oncology
JAMA Ophthalmology
JAMA Pediatrics
JAMA Psychiatry
JAMA Surgery
JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association
JAMA : the Journal of the American Medical Association
James Joyce Literary Supplement
James Joyce Quarterly
Jana Visvas Saptahik
Janus Head
JapanArchiv : Schriftenreihe der Forschungsstelle Modernes Japan
Japan Edition
Japanese Clinical Medicine
Japanese collections in European museums
Japanese Dental Science Review
Japanese Heart Journal
Japanese Journal of American Studies
Japanese Journal of Biometeorology
Japanese journal of clinical oncology
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Japanese Journal of Crop Science
Japanese Journal of Ecology
Japanese Journal of Hyperthermic Oncology
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
Japanese Journal of Medical Mycology
Japanese journal of ophthalmology
Japanese Journal of Pharmaco-EEG
Japanese Journal of Political Science
Japanese journal of radiology
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
Japanese Journal of Sociology
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress
Japanese Journal of Victimology
Japanese Religions
Japanese Studies
Japan Forum
Japan-hospitals : the journal of the Japan Hospital Association
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Japan Journal of Nursing Science
Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS
Japan. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
JAP - Juristische Ausbildung und Praxis Vorbereitung
JARMAM. Journal of the Association for Rapid Method and Automation in Microbiology
JASA Express Letters
Javnost - The Public
Jazykovedný časopis
Jazykovedný časopis (Philological Journal)
Jazz Research Journal
JBI Evidence Synthesis
JBJS Case Connector
JBJS Open Access
JBR-BTR : organe de la Société royale belge de radiologie (SRBR) = orgaan van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Radiologie (KBVR)
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics
JCO Global Oncology
JCOM : Journal of Science Communication
JCO Oncology Practice
JCO precision oncology
JCSM Rapid Communications
JDDG - Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft
Jebat : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies
Je-LKS : Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society
JEMS : a journal of emergency medical services
Jenaer Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient
JEP : eJournal of Education Policy
Jerusalemer theologisches Forum
Jerusalem: Gemeindebrief - Stiftungsjournal
Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture
JETP Letters
Jewish History
Jewish Quarterly Review
Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal
Jezik in slovstvo
Jezikoslovni zapiski
Język Polski
JGR: Planets
JHEP Reports
JIBS Research Reports
JIDEG : Journal of Industrial Design and Engineering Graphics
Jikken Igaku
JIMD Reports
JIPITEC 10 (2) 2019
JIPITEC : Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law
Jjournal of Eastern Christian Studies
JK Science : Journal of Medical Education & Research
JMBA Biodiversity Records
JMB Journal
JMIR Aging
JMIR biomedical engineering
JMIR Cancer
JMIR dermatology
JMIR Formative Research
JMIR Human Factors
JMIR Medical Education
JMIR Medical Informatics
JMIR Mental Health
JMIR mHealth and uHealth
JMIR nursing
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
JMIR rehabilitation and assistive technologies
JMIR research protocols
JMIR Serious Games
JMIS - Journal of Management Information Systems
JMM Case Reports
Joannea Botanik
Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie
Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Linz. Schriftenreihe Informatik
John Clare Society Journal
John Rylands Library. Bulletin
Joho Shori Gakkai Rombunshi
Joint Bone Spine
Joint, bone, spine : revue du rhumatisme
Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety
Joint Commission Perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society
Jón á Bægisá
JONA'S healthcare law, ethics and regulation
Jong Holland: driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor beeldende kunst en vormgeving in Nederland na 1850
JOP Journal of the Pancreas
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia
Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria
Jornal da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia
Jornal de Ciencias Cognitivas
Jornal de Pediatria
Jornal de Pneumologia
Jornal de Políticas Educacionais
Jornal dos Economistas
Jornal Internacional de Estudos em Educação Matemática
Jornal Português de Gastrenterologia
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
JOR Spine
JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation
Journal Culinaire Kultur und Wissenschaft des Essens
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique
Journal de Chirurgie
Journal de Genetique Humaine
Journal de gynécologie, obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction
Journal de la Renaissance
Journal de la société des américanistes
Journal de la Société des Océanistes (JSO)
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
Journal de Mycologie Medicale
Journal de Parodontologie et d'Implantologie Orale
Journal de pharmacie de Belgique
Journal de radiologie
Journal der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte. Zeitschrift für die Rechtsgeschichte des 19.-21. Jahrhunderts
Journal des Africanistes
Journal des Anthropologues
Journal des Caisses Maladie Suisses
Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines
Journal des économistes et des études humaines
Journal des maladies vasculaires
Journal Europäischer Orchideen
Journal for Christian Theological Research
Journal for Communication and Culture
Journal for Critical Animal Studies
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory
Journal for Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Journal for Educational Research Online
Journal for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Journal for Geography
Journal for Healthcare Quality
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
Journal for Institutional Innovation and Transition
Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL)
Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture
Journal for Nature Conservation
Journal for Nurses in Staff Development
Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration
Journal for Religion, Film and Media
Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing
Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN
Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal for the History of Environment and Society
Journal for the History of Modern Theology (JHMTh) / Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte (ZNThG)
Journal for the Renewal of Religion and Theology
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal for the Study of British Cultures
Journal for the Study of Judaism
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
Journal for the Study of Spirituality
Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
Journal français d'ophtalmologie
Journal fuer Psychologie
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Journal für Entwicklungspolitik
Journal für Ernährungsmedizin
Journal für Fertilität und Reproduktion
Journal für Gastroenterologische und Hepatologische Erkrankungen
Journal für Generationengerechtigkeit
Journal für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie
Journal für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie/Schweiz
Journal für Hypertonie
Journal für Kardiologie
Journal für Klinische Endokrinologie und Stoffwechsel
Journal für Kunstgeschichte
Journal für LehrerInnenbildung
Journal für LehrerInnenbildung
Journal für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik
Journal für Menopause
Journal für Menopause. Schweizerische Ausgabe
Journal für Mineralstoffwechsel
Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie
Journal für Philosophie und Psychiatrie
Journal für Pneumologie
Journal für Psychoanalyse
Journal für Psychologie
Journal für Rechtspolitik (JRP)
Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie
Journal für Schulentwicklung
Journal für Sportkommunikation und Mediensport
Journal für Strafrecht: JSt
Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
Journal international de bioéthique
Journal international de bioéthique = International journal of bioethics
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Journalism History
Journalism Practice
Journalism Studies
Journalistica : Tidskrift för Forskning i Journalistik
Journal- London Mathematical Society
Journal of AAPOS
Journal of Abbasid Studies
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Aboriginal Health
Journal of Academic and Applied Studies
Journal of Academic and Business Ethics
Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine
Journal of Academic Ethics
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
Journal of Accounting Education
Journal of Accounting Literature
Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes
Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies
Journal of Acute Medicine
Journal of Addiction Medicine
Journal of addictive diseases
Journal of Adhesion
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology
Journal of Adhesive Dentistry
Journal of Administration & Governance
Journal of Adolescence
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Adolescent Research
Journal of Adult Development
Journal of advanced nursing
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Research
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering
Journal of Advanced Scientific Research
Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology
Journal of advanced transportation
Journal of Advances in Developmental Research
Journal of Advances in Drug Research
Journal of Advances in Information Technology
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning
Journal of Advertising
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery
Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management
Journal of Aesthetic Education
Journal of Aesthetics & Culture
Journal of Affective Disorders
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports
Journal of African American Males in Education
Journal of African Archaeology
Journal of African Earth Sciences
Journal of African History
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics
Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
Journal of Aging and Environment
Journal of Aging and Health
Journal of aging and physical activity
Journal of Aging Research
Journal of aging & social policy
Journal of Aging Studies
Journal of Agrarian Change
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics
Journal of Agricultural Economics Research
Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
Journal of Agricultural Extension
Journal of agricultural safety and health
Journal of Agricultural Science
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST)
Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics
Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences
Journal of Agrobiology
Journal of agromedicine
Journal of Agromedicine
Journal of Agronomy
Journal of AHIMA
Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research
Journal of airport management
Journal of Algebra
Journal of Algebra and its Applications
Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Journal of Algebraic Geometry
Journal of Allergy
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Journal of Allergy & Therapy
Journal of allied health
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Journal of Al-Tamaddun
Journal of alternative and complementary medicine
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Journal of Ambulatory Care Management
Journal of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Journal of American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Journal of American College Health
Journal of American Drama and Theatre
Journal of American Ethnic History
Journal of American Folklore
Journal of American History
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons
Journal of American Studies
Journal of Amino Acids
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Analysis
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
Journal of Analytical Psychology
Journal of Analytical Sciences, Methods and Instrumentation
Journal of Analytical Science & Technology
Journal of analytical toxicology
Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Journal of Anatomy
Journal of Ancien Culture and Languages
Journal of Ancient Civilizations
Journal of ancient civilizations. Supplement
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology
Journal of Ancient Judaism
Journal of Ancient Topography
Journal of andrology
Journal of Andrology
Journal of anesthesia
Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research
Journal of Angiogenesis Research
Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics = Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie
Journal of Animal Ecology
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition
Journal of Animal Production
Journal of Animal Production Advances
Journal of animal science
Journal of Animal Science
Journal of Animal Science Advances
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Journal of Anthropological Research
Journal of Anthropological Sciences
Journal of Anthropology
Journal of Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education
Journal of Antibiotics
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Journal of Antitrust Enforcement
Journal of Antivirals & Antiretrovirals
Journal of Anxiety Disorders
Journal of AOAC International
Journal of Applied Acoustics = 应用声学
Journal of Applied Analysis
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics
Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials
Journal of Applied Biomechanics
Journal of Applied Biomedicine
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
Journal of Applied Collaborative Systems
Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics
Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology
Journal of Applied Crystallography
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Journal of Applied Ecology
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Applied Economics
Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research
Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
Journal of Applied Finance and Banking
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
Journal of Applied Genetics
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Journal of Applied Journalism
Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies
Journal of Applied Linguistics
Journal of Applied Logic
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis
Journal of applied measurement
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
Journal of applied microbiology
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics
Journal of Applied Oral Science
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
Journal of Applied Philosophy
Journal of applied phycology
Journal of Applied Physics
Journal of Applied Physiology
Journal of Applied Poultry Research
Journal of Applied Probability
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
Journal of Applied Research and Technology
Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Journal of Applied Sciences
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation
Journal of Applied Sciences Research
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
Journal of Applied Statistics
Journal of Applied Technology in Environmental Sanitation
Journal of applied toxicology : JAT
Journal of aquatic animal health
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
Journal of Archaeological Research
Journal of Archaeological Science
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
Journal of Architectural Conservation
Journal of Architectural Education
Journal of Architecture
Journal of Arid Environments
Journal of Arid Land
Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh
Journal of Arrhythmia
Journal of Art Historiography
Journal of Arthroplasty
Journal of Articles in Support of the Hypothesis
Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Journal of Artificial Organs
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
Journal of Arts and Humanities
Journal of Arts, Management, Law and Society
Journal of Asian and African Studies
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Journal of Asian History
Journal of Asian natural products research
Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Asia Pacific Studies
Journal of Asset Management
Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics
Journal of Asthma
Journal of Asthma and Allergy
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis
Journal of Athletic Enhancement
Journal of athletic training
Journal of Athletic Training
Journal of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Journal of Atrial Fibrillation
Journal of attention disorders
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Journal of autoimmunity
Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry
Journal of Automatic Control
Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems
Journal of Avian Biology
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
Journal of Ayub Medical College
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Journal of Azerbaijani Studies
Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation
Journal of Bacteriology
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
Journal of Baltic Studies
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons
Journal of Bangladesh Society of Physiologist
Journal of Banking and Finance
Journal of banking regulation
Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy
Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology
Journal of basic microbiology
Journal of Beckett Studies
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management (JBAM)
Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Journal of Behavioral Finance
Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research
Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Journal of Behavioral Science
Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Journal of Behavioural Sciences
Journal of Beliefs and Values
Journal of Bhutan Studies
Journal of Biblical Literature
Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership
Journal of Biblical Studies
Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine
Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology
Journal of Biochemical Technology
Journal of biochemistry
Journal of Biochemistry
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Journal of Biocommunication
Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences
Journal of Bioeconomics
Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes
Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry
Journal of Biogeography
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Journal of biological dynamics
Journal of Biological Education
Journal of Biological Engineering
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Biological Physics
Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents
Journal of Biological Research
Journal of Biological Rhythms
Journal of Biological Sciences
Journal of Biological Systems
Journal of Biology
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology
Journal of Biomaterials Applications
Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Journal of Biomechanics
Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration
Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology
Journal of Biomedical Optics
Journal of Biomedical Science
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering
Journal of Biomedical Sciences and Research
Journal of Biomedical Semantics
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics
Journal of biomolecular NMR
Journal of Biomolecular NMR
Journal of Biomolecular Screening
Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics
Journal of Biomolecular Techniques
Journal of Biopesticides
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics
Journal of Biophotonics
Journal of Biophysical Chemistry
Journal of Biophysics
Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Journal of Biosciences
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
Journal of Biosocial Science
Journal of Biotechnology
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
Journal of Biotech Research
Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research
Journal of Blood Medicine
Journal of Blood Transfusion
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
Journal of Bone
Journal of bone and joint infection
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
Journal of Borderlands Studies
Journal of Botany
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury
Journal of breath research
Journal of Brief Ideas
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
Journal of Bronchology
Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
Journal of Bryology
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology
Journal of Burma Studies
Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Journal of Business
Journal of Business and Economics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Business and Media Psychology
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Business Chemistry
Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning
Journal of Business Economics / Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Business Studies Quarterly
Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics
Journal of Business Venturing
Journal of Business Venturing Insights
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Journal of Cancer
Journal of Cancer Education
Journal of Cancer Epidemiology
Journal of cancer metastasis and treatment
Journal of Cancer Molecules
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy
Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy
Journal of Cancer Survivorship : Research and Practice
Journal of Cancer Therapy
Journal of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology
Journal of Carcinogenesis
Journal of Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis
Journal of Cardiac Failure
Journal of Cardiac Surgery
Journal of Cardiology
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease
Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research
Journal of Cardiovascular Echography
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk
Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
Journal of cardiovascular translational research
Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
Journal of Career Assessment
Journal of Career Development
Journal of Caribbean Archaeology
Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics
Journal of Case Studies in Accreditation and Assessment
Journal of Catalysis
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology
Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
Journal of Cell Death
Journal of Cell Science
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Journal of cellular physiology
Journal of Cellular Physiology
Journal of Celtic Linguistics
Journal of Central European Agriculture
Journal of Central Nervous System Disease
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Journal of Chain-Computerisation
Journal of Change Management
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences
Journal of Chemical Crystallography
Journal of Chemical Ecology
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
Journal of Chemical Physics
Journal of Chemical Research. Synopses
Journal of Chemical Sciences
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Journal of Cheminformatics
Journal of Chemistry
Journal of Chemotherapy
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma
Journal of Child and Adolescent Health
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
Journal of Child and Family Studies
Journal of Child Health Care
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Child Neurology
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Journal of Children and Media
Journal of Children's Orthopaedics
Journal of Children'S Orthopaedics
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse
Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine
Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture
Journal of Chinese Governance
Journal of Chinese Linguistics
Journal of Chinese medicine research and development
Journal of Chinese Philosophy
Journal of Chinese Religions
Journal of Chinese Studies
Journal of Chiropractic Education
Journal of Chiropractic Humanities
Journal of Choice Modelling
Journal of Chongqing Normal University
Journal of Christian Education
Journal of Christian Nursing
Journal of Chromatographic Science
Journal of Chromatography. A
Journal of chromatography B
Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences
Journal of Chromatography. B, Biomedical Applications
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Journal of Church and State
Journal of Circadian Rhythms
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers
Journal of Classical Sociology
Journal of Classroom Interaction
Journal of Cleaner Production
Journal of Climate
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
Journal of clinical and translational research
Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
Journal of clinical anesthesia
Journal of clinical apheresis
Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Journal of Clinical Densitometry : the Official Journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry
Journal of Clinical Dentistry
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Journal of Clinical Ethics
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Journal of Clinical Geropsychology
Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports
Journal of Clinical Imaging Science
Journal of Clinical Immunology
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
Journal of clinical & laboratory immunology
Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease
Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience
Journal of Clinical Nursing
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Journal of Clinical Orthodontics
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma
Journal of Clinical Pathology
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Journal of Clinical Periodontology
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of Clinical Psychology
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
Journal of clinical research & bioethics
Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound
Journal of Clinical Urology
Journal of Clinical Virology
Journal of Coagulation Disorders
Journal of Coastal Development
Journal of Cognition
Journal of Cognition and Development
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Journal of Cognitive Psychology
Journal of Cognitive Science
Journal of Cold War Studies
Journal of College Student Development
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Journal of Colonialism & Colonial History
Journal of Coloproctology
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B
Journal of Combinatorics
Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
Journal of Combustion
Journal of Commerce
Journal of Commodity Markets
Journal of Common Market Studies
Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies
Journal of Commonwealth Literature
Journal of Communicable Diseases
Journal of Communication
Journal of Communication Disorders
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Communications
Journal of Communications and Computer Engineering
Journal of Communications and Networks
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Community Genetics
Journal of Community Health
Journal of Community Health Nursing
Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives
Journal of Community Informatics
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education
Journal of Community Nutrition & Health
Journal of Community Psychology
Journal of Commutative Algebra
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research
Journal of Comparative Family Studies
Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
Journal of Comparative Neurology
Journal of Comparative Pathology
Journal of Comparative Physiology A
Journal of Comparative Physiology B
Journal of Comparative Politics
Journal of Comparative Psychology
Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology
Journal of Comparative Social Work
Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Journal of Competitiveness
Journal of Complexity
Journal of Composites Science
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics
Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
Journal of Computational Biology
Journal of Computational Chemistry
Journal of Computational Finance
Journal of Computational Geometry
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Journal of Computational Physics
Journal of Computational Physics: X
Journal of Computational Science
Journal of Computations & Modelling
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
Journal of Computers
Journal of Computer Science
Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology
Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications
Journal of Computing
Journal of Computing and Information Technology
Journal of Computing in Higher Education
Journal of Conflict and Security Law
Journal of Conflictology
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Conscious Evolution
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies
Journal of Conservative Dentistry
Journal of Construction in Developing Countries
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Consumer Culture
Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Journal of Contemporary Asia
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy
Journal of contemporary China
Journal of Contemporary Dental Insight
Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
Journal of Contemporary European Research
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy
Journal of Contemporary History
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Journal of contextual economics : Schmollers Jahrbuch
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
Journal of Continuing Education in The Health Professions
Journal of Controlled Release
Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Journal of Controversial Ideas
Journal of Convex Analysis
Journal of Coordination Chemistry
Journal of Coptic Studies
Journal of Corporate Citizenship
Journal of Corporate Finance
Journal of Corporate Law Studies
Journal of Correctional Health Care
Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
Journal of Cosmetic Science
Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Journal of Cost Management
Journal of Cotton Science
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Journal of Craniomandibular Function
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine
Journal of Creative Behavior
Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology
Journal of Criminal Justice
Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
Journal of Crit-cal Business Studies in Business & Society
Journal of Critical Care
Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies (JCGS)
Journal of Critical Realism
Journal of Crohn's & colitis
Journal of Crohn's & Colitis
Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Journal of Cryptology
Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology
Journal of Cultural Analytics
Journal of cultural diversity
Journal of Cultural Economics
Journal of Cultural Heritage
Journal of Cultural Research
Journal of Culture Collections
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction
Journal of Curriculum Studies
Journal of Curriculum Theorizing
Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery
Journal of Cutaneous Pathology
Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy
Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis
Journal of Cytology
Journal of Cytology & Histology
Journal of Dagaare Studies
Journal of Dairy Research
Journal of Dairy Science
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science
Journal of Danish Archaeology
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities
Journal of Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics
Journal of Data Science
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts
Journal of Defense Resources Management
Journal of Deliberative Democracy
Journal of Dental Biomechanics
Journal of Dental Education
Journal of Dental Hygiene
Journal of Dental Medicine
Journal of Dental Research
Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects
Journal of dental sciences
Journal of Dental Sciences and Research
Journal of Dental Technology
Journal of Dentistry
Journal of Dentistry for Children
Journal of Dentistry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Dermatological Case Reports
Journal of Dermatological Science
Journal of Dermatological Treatment
Journal of Dermatology
Journal of Design History
Journal of Developing Areas
Journal of Developing Societies
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology
Journal of Development Economics
Journal of Development Studies
Journal of Dhaka Medical College
Journal of Diabetes
Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications
Journal of Diabetes Investigation
Journal of Diabetes Mellitus
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism
Journal of Diabetes Research
Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
Journal of Diabetology
Journal of Dialog in Endocrinology
Journal of Didactics
Journal of Differential Equations
Journal of Differential Geometry
Journal of Digestive Diseases
Journal of Digital Imaging
Journal of Digital Information
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education
Journal of Digital Media & Policy
Journal of digital social research
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography
Journal of Distance Education
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Journal of Documentation
Journal of Dr. Behcet Uz Children's Hospital
Journal of Drug Delivery
Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology
Journal of Drug Education
Journal of Drug Issues
Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
Journal of Drug Targeting
Journal of Dual Diagnosis
Journal of Dutch Literature
Journal of Dynamic Decision Making
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention
Journal of Early Christian Studies
Journal of Early Intervention
Journal of Early Modern Christianity
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of Earth Science
Journal of Earth System Science
Journal of East Asian Archaeology
Journal of East Asian Linguistics
Journal of East Asian Studies
Journal of Eastern African Studies
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
Journal of East-West Thought
Journal of Eating Disorders
Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Journal of echocardiography
Journal of Ecobiotechnology
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Ecology and Field Biology
Journal of Econometric Methods
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economic and Social Policy
Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Journal of economic dynamics & control
Journal of Economic Education
Journal of economic entomology
Journal of Economic Geography
Journal of Economic Growth
Journal of Economic History
Journal of Economic Inequality
Journal of Economic Integration
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination
Journal of Economic Literature
Journal of Economic Methodology
Journal of Economic Perspectives
Journal of Economic Policy Reform
Journal of Economic Psychology
Journal of Economics
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
Journal of Economics and Business Research
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
Journal of Economic Surveys
Journal of Economic Theory
Journal of Ect
Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Journal of Educational Administration
Journal of Educational Administration and History
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences
Journal of Educational Change
Journal of Educational Computing Research
Journal of Educational Enquiry
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions
Journal of Educational Measurement
Journal of Educational Media
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences
Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Educational Research
Journal of Educational Sciences
Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology
Journal of Educational Technology Systems
Journal of Education and Vocational Research
Journal of Education and Work
Journal of Education & Christian Belief
Journal of Education for International Development
Journal of Education for Teaching
Journal of Education Policy
Journal of Education & Work
Journal of Educators Online
Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
Journal of Egyptian History
Journal of Elasticity
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Journal of Electrical Systems
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Journal of electrocardiology
Journal of Electrocardiology
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
Journal of Electronic Publishing
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
Journal of electron microscopy
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Journal of Electrophoresis
Journal of eLiteracy
Journal of E-Media Studies
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock
Journal of emergency and critical care medicine
Journal of emergency and trauma care
Journal of Emergency Medicine
Journal of Emergency Nursing
Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Journal of Empirical Finance
Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
Journal of Empirical Theology
Journal of Employment Counseling
Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences
Journal of endocrinological investigation
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Journal of Endocrinology
Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Journal of Endodontic
Journal of Endodontics
Journal of Endourology
Journal of Endovascular Therapy
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Journal of Energy Markets
Journal of Energy Security
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
Journal of Engineering Studies and Research
Journal of English and Germanic philology
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca
Journal of English for Academic Purposes
Journal of English Linguistics
Journal of Environmental and Public Health
Journal of Environmental Biology
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy
Journal of Environmental Education
Journal of Environmental Engineering
Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics
Journal of Environmental Health
Journal of Environmental Health Research
Journal of environmental management
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Journal of Environmental Protection
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Journal of Environmental Quality
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part C
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Journal of Environmental Sciences (China)
Journal of Environment and Development
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Epidemiology
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology
Journal of Epithelial Biology & Pharmacology
Journal of Equine Science
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry
Journal of Ethics
Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse
Journal of Ethnobiology
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Journal of Ethology
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Journal of European Economic History
Journal of European Integration History / Revue D'Histoire de L'Intégration Européenne / Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Europäischen Integration
Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS)
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of European Real Estate Research
Journal of European Social Policy
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice
Journal of evidence-based social work
Journal of Evolution and Technology
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Journal of Evolutionary Medicine
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Journal of evolution equations
Journal of Evolution Equations
Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals
Journal of Exercise Physiology - Online
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Assisted Reproduction (JECAR)
Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine
Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of experimental botany
Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR
Journal of Experimental Criminology
Journal of Experimental Education
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics
Journal of Experimental Pharmacology
Journal of Experimental Political Science
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Experimental Psychology : Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Journal of experimental psychopathology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Experimental Stroke & Translational Medicine
Journal of Experimental Therapeutics & Oncology
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological and Integrative Physiology
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological Genetics and Physiology
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology
Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
Journal of Extension
Journal of Extracellular Biology
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Journal of Extra-Corporeal Technology
Journal of Eye Movement Research
Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences
Journal of Family and Community Medicine
Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Journal of Family and Reproductive Health
Journal of Family Health Care
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Family Nursing
Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care
Journal of Family Practice
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Family Therapy
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody & Child Development
Journal of Family Violence
Journal of Federalism
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
Journal of feline medicine and surgery open reports
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion
Journal of Field Archaeology
Journal of Field Robotics
Journal of Film Preservation
Journal of Finance
Journal of Finance and Accountancy
Journal of Finance and Economics
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Journal of Financial Econometrics
Journal of financial economic policy
Journal of Financial Economics
Journal of Financial Intermediation
Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions
Journal of financial markets
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Journal of Financial Services Research
Journal of Financial Stability
Journal of Financial Therapy
Journal of Financial Transformation
Journal of Fish Biology
Journal of Fish Diseases
Journal of Fisheriessciences.Com
Journal of Flood Risk Management
Journal of Fluency Disorders
Journal of Fluorescence
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
Journal of Folklore Research
Journal of Food Engineering
Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety and Hygiene
Journal of Food Protection
Journal of food safety
Journal of Food Science
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research
Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
Journal of Forecasting
Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Journal of Forensic Accounting
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences
Journal of Forensic Nursing
Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology
Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging
Journal of Forensic Research
Journal of forensic sciences
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Journal of Forest and Wood Products (JFWP)
Journal of Forestry Research
Journal of Formalized Reasoning
Journal of Frailty & Aging
Journal of French Language Studies
Journal of Functional Analysis
Journal of Functional Biomaterials
Journal of Functional Foods
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Journal of Functional Programming
Journal of Fundamental Sciences
Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health
Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications
Journal of Further and Higher Education
Journal of Futures Markets
Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis
Journal of Gambling Issues
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Gastroenterology
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer
Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology
Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Journal of Gazi Academic View
Journal of Gender Studies
Journal of Gene Medicine
Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
Journal of general internal medicine
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications
Journal of General Physiology
Journal of General Psychology
Journal of General Virology
Journal of genetic counseling
Journal of Genetic Genealogy
Journal of Genetic Psychology
Journal of Genetics
Journal of genetics and genomics = Yi chuan xue bao
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Journal of Geodesy
Journal of Geographical Systems
Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis
Journal of Geographic Information System
Journal of Geography and Geology
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Journal of Geological Research
Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology
Journal of Geometric Analysis
Journal of Geometric Mechanics
Journal of Geometry and Physic
Journal of Geophysical Research
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Journal of Geosciences
Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
Journal of Geriatric Oncology
Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology
Journal of Germanic Linguistics
Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Journal of Gerontological Social Work
Journal of Gerontology
Journal of Glaciology
Journal of Glass Studies
Journal of Glaucoma
Journal of GLBT Family Studies
Journal of Global Analysis
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance
Journal of Global Archaeology
Journal of Global Buddhism
Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice
Journal of Global Health
Journal of Global History
Journal of Global Infectious Diseases
Journal of Global Mass Communication
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
Journal of Global Pharma Technology
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science
Journal of Global Security Studies
Journal of Global Social Work Practice
Journal of Global Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal of graduate medical education
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Journal of Graphic Engineering and Design
Journal of Gravitational Physiology
Journal of Greek Linguistics
Journal of Grid Computing
Journal of Gynecological Endoscopy and Surgery
Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
Journal of Gynecologic Surgery
Journal of Hand and Microsurgery
Journal of Hand Surgery
Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume
Journal of hand surgery global online
Journal of Hand Therapy
Journal of Happiness Studies
Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Journal of Headache and Pain
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Journal of Health Administration Education
Journal of Health and Human Services Administration
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy
Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Journal of Health Care Finance
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Journal of healthcare informatics research
Journal of Healthcare Information Management
Journal of Healthcare Leadership
Journal of Healthcare Management
Journal of Healthcare Protection Management
Journal of Healthcare Risk Management
Journal of Health Communication
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Health Informatics
Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries
Journal of Health & Life Sciences Law
Journal of Health Organization and Management
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition
Journal of Health Psychology
Journal of Health Science
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
Journal of Hearing Science
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
Journal of Heart Valve Disease
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
Journal of Hellenic Studies
Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture
Journal of Helminthology
Journal of Hematology & Oncology
Journal of Henan University
Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences
Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Journal of Hepatology
Journal of Hepatology and Gastrointestinal disorders
Journal of Herbal Drugs
Journal of Herbal Medicine
Journal of Heredity
Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery
Journal of Herpetology
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal of Higher Education
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences
Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art
Journal of Historical Biography
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of Historical Linguistics
Journal of Historical Pragmatics
Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of History and Social Sciences
Journal of Hiv Therapy
Journal of Holistic Nursing
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Hospital Administration
Journal of Hospital Infection
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education
Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations
Journal of Hospital Medicine
Journal of housing economics
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical Sciences
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
Journal of Human Ecology
Journal of Human Ergology
Journal of Human Evolution
Journal of Human Genetics
Journal of Human Hypertension
Journal of Humanistic and Social Studies
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
Journal of Human Kinetics
Journal of Human Lactation
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences
Journal of Human Resources
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise
Journal of Human Studies - Nghiên cứu con người
Journal of Huntington's Disease
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of hydrology
Journal of Hydrology
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
Journal of Hydrometeorology
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations
Journal of Hypertension
Journal of Hypertension. Supplement
Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Journal of Iberian Archaeology
Journal of Iberian Geology
Journal of ICT Research and Communication Technology
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies
Journal of Imaging
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines
Journal of Immunoassay & Immunochemistry
Journal of Immunological Methods
Journal of Immunology
Journal of Immunology Research
Journal of Immunotherapy
Journal of immunotoxicology
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry
Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research
Journal of Indian Philosophy
Journal of Indigenous Social Development
Journal of Indigenous Voices in Social Work
Journal of Individual Differences
Journal of Indo-European Studies
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Journal of Industrial Economics
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Journal of Industrial Engineering International
Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
Journal of Industrial Technology
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
Journal of Inequalities and Applications
Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions
Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Infectiology
Journal of Infection
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy
Journal of Infection and Public Health
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries
Journal of Infectious Disease and Therapy
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal of Inflammation
Journal of Inflammation Research
Journal of Information and Communication Technology
Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences
Journal of Information Architecture
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management
Journal of Information, Law and Technology
Journal of Information Literacy
Journal of Information Policy
Journal of Information Science
Journal of Information Security
Journal of Information Security and Applications
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management
Journal of Information Technology
Journal of Information Technology Education
Journal of Information Technology Education : Innovations in Practice
Journal of Information Technology in Construction
Journal of Information Technology & Politics
Journal of Informetrics
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves
Journal of Infusion Nursing
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Journal of Injury and Violence Research
Journal of Innate Immunity
Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology
Journal of Innovations in Cardiac Rhythm Management
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Sciences
Journal of Innovative Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Journal of Inorganic Materials
Journal of Insect Behavior
Journal of Insect Conservation
Journal of Insect Physiology
Journal of Insect Science
Journal of In-Service Education
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Journal of Institutional Economics
Journal of Institutional Research (South-East Asia)
Journal of Instructional Pedagogies
Journal of Instructional Psychology
Journal of Instructional Science and Technology
Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism
Journal of Instrumentation
Journal of Insurance Medicine
Journal of Integer Sequences
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications
Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management
Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Journal of Integrative Medicine
Journal of integrative neuroscience
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
Journal of integrative plant biology
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability
Journal of intellectual disabilities : JOID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights
Journal of Intelligence
Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Journal of Intensive Care
Journal of intensive care medicine
Journal of Intensive Medicine
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Journal of Interactive Learning Research
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
Journal of Interactive Online Learning
Journal of Intercultural Communication
Journal of Intercultural Studies
Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS)
Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research
Journal of Internal Medicine
Journal of Internal Medicine. Supplement
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Journal of International Accounting Research
Journal of International Arbitration
Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation
Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies
Journal of International Business Ethics
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology
Journal of International Criminal Justice
Journal of International Criminal Law
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research
Journal of International Development
Journal of International Economic Law
Journal of International Economics
Journal of International Environmental Application and Science
Journal of international financial markets, institutions & money
Journal of International Management
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of International Medical Research
Journal of International Money and Finance
Journal of International Research Publications : Economy & Business
Journal of International Research Publications : Materials, Methods & Technologies
Journal of International Social Research
Journal of International Women's Studies
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Journal of Internet Business
Journal of Internet Engineering
Journal of Internet Law
Journal of Internet Services and Applications
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Interprofessional Care
Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology
Journal of Interventional Cardiology
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology
Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Symposium Proceedings
Journal of Investigative Medicine
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling
Journal of Investigative Surgery
Journal of Investment Strategies
Journal of Iran University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Irish Archaeology
Journal of ISAKOS
Journal of Isfahan Dental School
Journal of Isfahan Medical School
Journal of Islamic Studies
Journal of Italian Philosophy
Journal of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Japanese Studies
Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics
Journal of Japonisme
Journal of Jazz Studies
Journal of Jesuit Studies
Journal of Jewish Studies
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy
Journal of Juristic Papyrologie
Journal of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Arts and Humanities
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Earth Sciences
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Economics and Administration
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Engineering Sciences
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Islamic Economics
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Marine Sciences
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Medical Sciences
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture Sciences
Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Science
Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty
Journal of Knee Surgery
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications
Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology
Journal of Knowledge Management Practice
Journal of Konbin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
Journal of Korean Medical Science
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University
Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals
Journal of Laboratory Automation
Journal of Laboratory Medicine
Journal of Laboratory Physicians
Journal of Labor Economics
Journal of Land Use Science
Journal of Language and Computation
Journal of Language and Culture
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
Journal of Language and Politics
Journal of Language Contact
Journal of Language Evolution
Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Journal of Language Learning and Development
Journal of Language Relationship = Вопросы языкового родства
Journal of Language & Social Psychology
Journal of languages, texts, and society
Journal of Language Teaching and Learning
Journal of Language Teaching and Research
Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa
Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A
Journal of Laryngology and Otology
Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Supplement
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences
Journal of Late Antiquity
Journal of Latin American Communication Research
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies
Journal of Latin American Geography
Journal of Latin American Studies
Journal of Latin Linguistics
Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies
Journal of Latinx Psychology
Journal of Law and Health
Journal of Law and Medicine
Journal of Law and the Biosciences
Journal of law & economic regulation
Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization
Journal of Law & Family Studies
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies
Journal of Leadership Education
Journal of Learning Design
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Journal of Learning Disabilities
Journal of Learning Science
Journal of Learning Through the Arts
Journal of Legal Analysis
Journal of Legal History
Journal of Legal Medicine
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law
Journal of Legislative Evaluation
Journal of Legislative Studies
Journal of Lesbian Studies
Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Journal of Library and Information Science
Journal of Library and Information Studies
Journal of Library Innovation
Journal of Library Science
Journal of Lie Theory
Journal of Life Sciences
Journal of Lightning Research
Journal of Light & Visual Environment
Journal of Limnology
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Journal of Linguistic Geography
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Linguistics and Language Teaching
Journal of Lipid Research
Journal of Lipids
Journal of Liposome Research
Journal of Literacy and Technology
Journal of Literacy Research
Journal of Literary Semantics
Journal of Literary Studies /Tydskrif vir Literatuurwetenskap
Journal of Literary Theory
Journal of literature, critique and thought
Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies
Journal of Location Based Services
Journal of Logic and Analysis
Journal of Logic and Computation
Journal of Logic, Language and Information
Journal of Long-Term Care
Journal of long-term effects of medical implants
Journal of Loss and Trauma
Journal of lower genital tract disease
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications
Journal of Low Temperature Physics
Journal of Lutheran Ethics
Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis
Journal of Macroeconomics
Journal of Magnetic Resonance
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Journal of Mammalian Evolution
Journal of Mammalogy
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia
Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy (JMCP)
Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Journal of Management and Governance
Journal of Management and Marketing Research
Journal of Management and Science
Journal of Management and Social Sciences
Journal of Management and Strategy
Journal of Management and Sustainability
Journal of Management Development
Journal of Management History
Journal of Management Information Systems
Journal of Management Inquiry
Journal of Management & Public Policy
Journal of Management Research
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Journal of manual & manipulative therapy
Journal of Manual Medicine
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Journal of Maps
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology
Journal of Marine Biology
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Maritime Archaeology
Journal of Market Access & Health Policy
Journal of Marketing
Journal of marketing for higher education
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Mashhad Dental School
Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Journal of Material Culture
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
Journal of Materials Chemistry B
Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Journal of materials research
Journal of Materials Science
Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine
Journal of Materials Science Research
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Journal of Mathematical Biology
Journal of mathematical chemistry
Journal of mathematical cryptology
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Journal of Mathematical Finance
Journal of mathematical fluid mechanics
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application
Journal of Mathematical Physics
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Tokyo)
Journal of Mathematical Sociology
Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control
Journal of Mathematics and Modeling in Finance
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College
Journal of Mathematics Research
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Journal of Media and Religion
Journal of Media Business Studies
Journal of Media Economics
Journal of Media Innovations
Journal of Media Psychology
Journal of Media Studies
Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences
Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences
Journal of medical and dental sciences
Journal of Medical Biochemistry
Journal of medical biography
Journal of Medical Case Reports
Journal of Medical Cases
Journal of Medical Economics
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
Journal of Medical Entomology
Journal of Medical Ethics
Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Journal of Medical Genetics
Journal of Medical Humanities
Journal of Medical Imaging
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Medical Investigation
Journal of Medical Law
Journal of Medical Marketing
Journal of Medical Microbiology
Journal of Medical Physics
Journal of Medical Practice Management
Journal of Medical Primatology
Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences
Journal of Medical Sciences
Journal of Medical Sciences Research
Journal of Medical Screening
Journal of Medical Systems
Journal of Medical Toxicology
Journal of Medical Virology
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of Medicinal Food
Journal of Medicinal Plant Research
Journal of Medicine
Journal of Medicine and Life
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Journal of Medieval History
Journal of Medieval Latin
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
Journal of Mediterranean Studies
Journal of Membrane Biology
Journal of Membrane Science
Journal of Memory & Language
Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality
Journal of Men's Health
Journal of Mental Health
Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics
Journal of Metallurgy
Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology
Journal of Microbiological Methods
Journal of Microbiology
Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education
Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infection = Wei Mian Yu Gan Ran Za Zhi
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
Journal of Microencapsulation
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Journal of Microscopy
Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy
Journal of Microwaves and Optoelectronics
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
Journal of Mid-Life Health
Journal of midwifery & women's health
Journal of Migration History
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies
Journal of Military History
Journal of Mind and Behavior
Journal of Mind and Medical Sciences
Journal of Minimal Access Surgery
Journal of minimally invasive gynecology
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B : Metallurgy
Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems
Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems
Journal of Modern African Studies
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods
Journal of modern Chinese history
Journal of Modern Dynamics
Journal of Modern European History
Journal of Modern Greek Studies
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
Journal of Modern Literature
Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese
Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics
Journal of Modern Optics
Journal of Modern Physics
Journal of Modern Turkish Studies
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology plus
Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine
Journal of Molecular Biochemistry
Journal of Molecular Biology
Journal of Molecular Biology Research
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology
Journal of Molecular Evolution
Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling
Journal of Molecular Histology
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
Journal of Molecular Modeling
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
Journal of Molecular Psychiatry
Journal of Molecular Recognition
Journal of Molecular Signaling
Journal of Molecular Structure THEOCHEM
Journal of Molluscan Studies
Journal of Monetary Economics
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
Journal of Money Laundering Control
Journal of Mon-Khmer Studies
Journal of Moral Education
Journal of Moral Philosophy
Journal of Morphology
Journal of Mother and Child
Journal of Motor Behavior
Journal of Mountain Science
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Journal of Multimedia
Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Journal of muscle research and cell motility
Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions
Journal of Music and Meaning
Journal of Music History Pedagogy
Journal of Musicological Research
Journal of Musicology
Journal of Music Theory
Journal of Music Therapy
Journal of Muslim Philanthropy
Journal of Muslims in Europe
Journal of Namibian studies: history, politics, culture
Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics
Journal of Nanobiotechnology
Journal of Nanomaterials
Journal of Nanoparticle Research
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology
Journal of Nanotechnology
Journal of Narrative Theory
Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA
Journal of National Institute of Neurosciences Bangladesh
Journal of Natural History
Journal of natural medicines
Journal of natural products
Journal of Natural Products
Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine
Journal of Neo-latin Language and Literature
Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
Journal of Neonatal Surgery
Journal of Neonatology and Clinical Pediatrics
Journal of Neoplatonic Studies
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council
Journal of Nepal Medical Association
Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society
Journal of Nephrology
Journal of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNMS)
Journal of Networks
Journal of Neural Engineering
Journal of Neural Transmission
Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementum
Journal of Neurochemistry
Journal of Neurocytology
Journal of neurodegenerative diseases
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Journal of Neuroendocrinology
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (JNER)
Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility
Journal of Neurogenetics
Journal of Neuroimaging
Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
Journal of Neuroimmunology
Journal of Neuroimmunology. Supplement
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Journal of Neuroinformatics and Neuroimaging
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
Journal of Neurolinguistics
Journal of Neurological Sciences
Journal of Neurological Surgery. Part A: Central European Neurosurgery
Journal of Neurological Surgery. Part B: Skull Base
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy
Journal of Neurology
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry
Journal of Neurology Research
Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases
Journal of Neuro-Oncology
Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology
Journal of Neuroparasitology
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Journal of Neurophysiology
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Journal of Neuropsychology
Journal of Neuroradiology. Journal de Neuroradiologie
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice
Journal of Neurosurgery
Journal of neurosurgery. Case lessons
Journal of Neurosurgery. Pediatrics
Journal of Neurosurgery. Spine
Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology
Journal of neurosurgical sciences
Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences
Journal of Neurotrauma
Journal of Neurovirology
Journal of New Frontiers in Spatial Concepts
Journal of New Music Research
Journal of Nippon Medical School
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and its Applications
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics
Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy
Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
Journal of Nucleic Acids
Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation
Journal of Number Theory
Journal of numerical cognition
Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics
Journal of Nursing Administration
Journal of Nursing Care Quality
Journal of Nursing Education
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
Journal of Nursing Management
Journal of Nursing Measurement
Journal of Nursing Research
Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
Journal of Nutrition
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
Journal of Nutritional Science
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly
Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
Journal of Obesity
Journal of Object Technology
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Occupational Health
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Journal of Official Statistics
Journal of Oleo Science
Journal of Oman Studies
Journal of Oncology
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice
Journal of oncology practice
Journal of Oncology Research and Therapy
Journal of Onco-Nephrology
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching
Journal of Online Trust and Safety
Journal of Open Humanities Data
Journal of Open Psychology Data
Journal of Open Source Software
Journal of Operational Risk
Journal of Operator Theory
Journal of Ophthalmic & Vision Research
Journal of Ophthalmology
Journal of Opioid Management
Journal of Optics
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Journal of Optometry
Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research
Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache
Journal of Oral Implantology
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research
Journal of Oral Microbiology
Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Journal of Oral Science
Journal of Organic Chemistry
Journal of Organic Systems
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Journal of Organization Design
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Journal of Ornithology
Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie
Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics = Fortschritte Der Kieferorthopädie
Journal of Orofacial Pain
Journal of Orofacial Sciences
Journal of Orthodontics
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy
Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Journal of orthopaedics
Journal of Orthopaedics
Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Journal of Orthopaedic Science
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders
Journal of Osteoporosis
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = Le Journal d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
Journal of Ovarian Research
Journal of Pacific History
Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical Care
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Journal of Pain
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
Journal of Pain Research
Journal of Pakistan Medical Students
Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society
Journal of Paleontology
Journal of Palliative Care
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Journal of Pan African Studies
Journal of Pancreatology
Journal of Paramedical Sciences
Journal of Parasitology
Journal of Parasitology Research
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Journal of Parkinson's Disease
Journal of Pastoral Care and Councelling
Journal of Pastoral Theology
Journal of Pathogens
Journal of Pathology
Journal of Pathology : Clinical Research
Journal of Pathology Informatics
Journal of Patient Safety
Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management
Journal of Pattern Recognition Research
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Peasant Studies
Journal of Pedagogic Development
Journal of Pedagogy
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Journal of pediatric and neonatal individualized medicine
Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Journal of Pediatric Genetics
Journal of Pediatric Health Care
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care
Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology
Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences
Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. Part B
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
Journal of Pediatric Research
Journal of Pediatrics
Journal of Pediatric Sciences
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports
Journal of Pediatric Urology
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Journal of Pentecostal Theology
Journal of Peptide Science
Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing
Journal of Perinatal Medicine
Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing
Journal of Perinatology
Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science
Journal of Periodontal Research
Journal of Periodontology
Journal of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry
Journal of Perioperative Practice
Journal of Personality
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Personality Assessment
Journal of Personality Disorders
Journal of Personalized Medicine
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education
Journal of Personnel Psychology
Journal of Pesticide Science
Journal of Petrology
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences
Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Journal of Pharmacy Research
Journal of Philosophical Investigations
Journal of Philosophical Logic
Journal of Philosophical Research
Journal of Philosophy
Journal of Philosophy and Scripture
Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts
Journal of Philosophy of Education
Journal of Philosophy of Life
Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law
Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology
Journal of Phonetics
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology
Journal of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformation science
Journal of Phycology
Journal of Physical Activity and Health
Journal of Physical Agents
Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Journal of Physical Education and Sport
Journal of Physical Mathematics
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry
Journal of Physical Science
Journal of Physical Studies
Journal of Physical Therapy
Journal of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physician Assistant Education
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Journal of Physics: Complexity
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Journal of physics: Conference series
Journal of Physics : Conference Series
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online
Journal of Physiological Anthropology
Journal of Physiological Sciences
Journal of Physiology
Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances
Journal of Physiology, Paris
Journal of Physiotherapy
Journal of Phytology
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages
Journal of Pineal Research
Journal of plankton research
Journal of Planning Education and Research
Journal of Plant Biology
Journal of Plant Development
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection
Journal of Plant Ecology
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
Journal of Plant Physiology
Journal of Plant Protection Research
Journal of Plant Research
Journal of Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Policy Modeling
Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture
Journal of Political Ecology : Case Studies in History and Society
Journal of Political Economy
Journal of Political Ideologies
Journal of political marketing
Journal of Political Philosophy
Journal of Politics and Law
Journal of Politics in Latin America
Journal of Pollination Ecology
Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics
Journal of Population Ageing
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
Journal of Portfolio Management
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Journal of Positive Psychology
Journal of Post-Colonial Cultures & Societies
Journal of Postcolonial Writing
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
Journal of Poultry Science
Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies
Journal of Power Sources
Journal of Power Technologies
Journal of Practical Nursing
Journal of Pragmatics
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research
Journal of Pregnancy
Journal of Prehistoric Religion
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies
Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
Journal of Preventive Medicine
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Healthcare
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
Journal of Primary Health Care
Journal of Primary Prevention
Journal of Private International Law
Journal of Probability and Statistics
Journal of Problem Solving
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journal of Productivity Analysis
Journal of Professional Nursing
Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management
Journal of Property Investment & Finance
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Journal of Prosthodontic Research
Journal of Prosthodontics
Journal of proteome research
Journal of Proteome Research
Journal of proteomics
Journal of Proteomics
Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Journal of Psychiatric Practice
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Journal of Psychohistory
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Journal of Psychology and Theology
Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Journal of Psychopharmacology
Journal of Psychophysiology
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice
Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
Journal of Public Administration and Governance
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Journal of Public Affairs
Journal of public and international affairs
Journal of public child welfare
Journal of Public Deliberation
Journal of Public Economics
Journal of Public Economic Theory
Journal of Public Health
Journal of Public Health and Emergency
Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Journal of Public Health in Africa
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Journal of Public Health Policy
Journal of Public Health Research
Journal of Public Policy
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Public Transportation
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
Journal of Qafqaz University
Journal of quantitative criminology
Journal of Quantitative Description
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
Journal of Quantum Information Science
Journal of Quaternary Science
Journal of Radiation Research
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Journal of Radiological Protection
Journal of Radiology Case Reports
Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Rational - Emotive and Cognitive - Behavior Therapy
Journal of Reading
Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research
Journal of Receptor, Ligand and Channel Research
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Journal of Reformed Theology
Journal of Refractive Surgery
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
Journal of Registry Management
Journal of Regulatory Economics
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. Supplement
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
Journal of Relationship Marketing
Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies
Journal of Religion and Business Ethics
Journal of Religion and Film
Journal of Religion and Health
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
Journal of Religion and Society
Journal of Religion and Theatre
Journal of Religion, Disability & Health
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of Religion in Europe
Journal of religion, media and digital culture
Journal of Religious Ethics
Journal of Religious History
Journal of Renal Care
Journal of Renal Nutrition
Journal of Reproduction and Development
Journal of Reproduction and Infertility
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Journal of Reproductive Immunology
Journal of Reproductive Medicine
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology
Journal of Research for Consumers
Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning
Journal of Research in Childhood Education
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
Journal of Research in Health Sciences
Journal of Research in Higher Education
Journal of Research in International Education
Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education
Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Research in Reading
Journal of Research in Rural Education
Journal of Research in Science Teaching
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Journal of Research on Adolescence
Journal of Research on Contemporary Society
Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Journal of Research Practice
Journal of responsible innovation
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Journal of Rheumatology
Journal of Rheumatology. Supplement
Journal of Risk
Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Journal of Risk Finance
Journal of Risk Model Validation
Journal of Risk Research
Journal of Ritual Studies
Journal of RNAi and Gene Silencing
Journal of Robotics
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
Journal of Robotic Surgery
Journal of Roman Archaeology
Journal of Romance Studies
Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies
Journal of Roman Pottery Studies
Journal of Roman Studies
Journal of Rural and Community Development
Journal of Rural and Tropical Public Health
Journal of Rural Health
Journal of safety research
Journal of Safety Research
Journal of SAT Agricultural Research
Journal of Scholarly Publishing
Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Journal of School Health
Journal of School Nursing
Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research
Journal of School Psychology
Journal of School Violence
Journal of Science and Arts
Journal of Science and Cycling
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Plus
Journal of Science and Technology
Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts
Journal of Science Education and Technology
Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise
Journal of Science Teacher Education
Journal of Scientific Computing
Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research
Journal of Scientific Research
Journal of Scientific Review
Journal of scleroderma and related disorders
Journal of Scottish Philosophy
Journal of Screenwriting
Journal of Second Language Studies
Journal of Second Language Writing
Journal of Security Engineering
Journal of Security Sector Management
Journal of Semantics
Journal of Sensors
Journal of Sensor Technology
Journal of separation science
Journal of Separation Science
Journal of Service Research
Journal of Service Science and Management
Journal of Seventeenth - Century Music
Journal of sex and marital therapy
Journal of Sex Research
Journal of Sexual Aggression
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Journal of Signal and Information Processing
Journal of Signal Transduction
Journal of Simulation
Journal of Singularities
Journal of Sino-Western Communications
Journal of Skin Cancer
Journal of Slavic Linguistics
Journal of Sleep Research
Journal of Small Animal Practice
Journal of Smoking-Related Disorders
Journal of Smooth Muscle Research
Journal of Social Aesthetics
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Social and Development Sciences
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Journal of Social and Political Psychology
Journal of Social Archaeology
Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS
Journal of Social Behavior and Personality
Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology
Journal of Social History
Journal of Social Inclusion
Journal of Social Intervention : Theory and Practice
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Social Philosophy
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of Social Policy Studies
Journal of Social Protection
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Social Research & Policy
Journal of Social Sciences
Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Journal of Social Security Law
Journal of Social Studies Education Research
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation
Journal of social work in end-of-life & palliative care
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics
Journal of Socio-Economics
Journal of Socio-Economics in Agriculture
Journal of Sociolinguistics
Journal of Software
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Journal of Solid Tumors
Journal of Sonic Studies
Journal of Sources in Educational History
Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics
Journal of South Asia Women Studies
Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement
Journal of South East Asian Architecture
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Journal of southern academic and special librarianship
Journal of Southern African Studies
Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans
Journal of Southern Religion
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Journal of Spatial Hydrology
Journal of Spatial Information Science
Journal of Spatial Science
Journal of Special Education
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Journal of Special Operations Medicine
Journal of Spectral Theory
Journal of Speech and Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Journal of Speech Sciences
Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques
Journal of spine surgery
Journal of Sponsorship
Journal of Sport and Health Research
Journal of Sport and Health Science
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
Journal of Sport History
Journal of sport rehabilitation
Journal of Sports and Games
Journal of Sports Economics
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of sports sciences
Journal of Sports Sciences
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
Journal of Statistical Physics
Journal of Statistical Software
Journal of Statistics Education
Journal of stem cell research & therapy
Journal of stem cells
Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
Journal of STEM Education
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Journal of Strategic Change
Journal of Strategic Management Education
Journal of Strategic Security
Journal of Strategic Studies
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry
Journal of Stroke
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Journal of structural and functional genomics
Journal of Structural Biology
Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent Systems
Journal of Studies in International Education
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Supplement
Journal of Studies on Manufacturing
Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Journal of Substance Use
Journal of Sulfur Chemistry
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Journal of Supportive Oncology
Journal of Supranational Policies of Education
Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology
Journal of Surgery and Research
Journal of Surgery Pakistan
Journal of Surgical Academia
Journal of Surgical Case Reports
Journal of Surgical Education
Journal of Surgical Oncology
Journal of Surgical Oncology. Supplement
Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances
Journal of Surgical Research
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
Journal of Sustainable Development
Journal of Sustainable Energy
Journal of Sustainable Finance and Accounting
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Journal of Swine Health and Production
Journal of Symbolic Logic
Journal of Symplectic Geometry
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Journal of Systematics and Evolution
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Journal of Systems Chemistry
Journal of Systems Integration
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
Journal of Taphonomy
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing
Journal of Taxation
Journal of Teacher Education
Journal of Teaching and Learning
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
Journal of Technical Education and Training
Journal of Technology and Science Education
Journal of Technology Education
Journal of Technology in Counseling
Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation
Journal of Technology Research
Journal of Technology Transfer
Journal of Techno-Social
Journal of Tehran Heart Center
Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare
Journal of Textbook Research
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Journal of the Acarological Society of Japan
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (Jaalas)
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
Journal of the American Board of Family Practice
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Journal of the American College of Dentists
Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open
Journal of the American College of Nutrition
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Journal of the American Dental Association
Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Journal of the American Heart Association
Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
Journal of the American Liszt Society
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. Supplement
Journal of the American Musicological Society
Journal of the American Oriental Society
Journal of the American Osteopathic Association
Journal of the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA)
Journal of the American Planning Association
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
Journal of the American Society of Hypertension (JASH)
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN)
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Journal of the American Taxation Association
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society
Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians
Journal of the Association for History and Computing
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (JARO)
Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care
Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Journal of the British Academy
Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology
Journal of the California Dental Association
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association
Journal of the cardiometabolic syndrome
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Communications
Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association
Journal of the Chinese Medical Association (JCMA)
Journal of the Church Monuments Society
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP
Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA
Journal of the Cork Historical & Archaeological Society
Journal of the David Collection
Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History
Journal of the Early Republic
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Journal of the Economic Science Association
Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute
Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association
Journal of the Egyptian Women's Dermatologic Society
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Journal of the Endocrine Society
Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology
Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries
Journal of the European Association for Studies on Australia
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
Journal of the European Economic Association
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association
Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid Publications
Journal of the Experimental Analysis Of Behavior
Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
Journal of the Finnish Economic Association
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association = Taiwan yi zhi
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society
Journal of the Geological Society
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of the History of Collections
Journal of the History of Dentistry
Journal of the History of Ideas
Journal of the History of International Law
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Journal of the History of Sexuality
Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences
Journal of the History of the Behavorial Sciences
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan
Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics
Journal of the Indiana Dental Association
Journal of the Indian Medical Association
Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
Journal of the Indian Society of Periodontology
Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture
Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies
Journal of the Institute of Engineering
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
Journal of the Intensive Care Society
Journal of the International Academy of Periodontology
Journal of the International Aids Society
Journal of the International Arthurian Society
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
Journal of the International Association of Physicians in Aids Care
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
Journal of the International Council for Small Business
Journal of the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) Bulletin
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Journal of the International Society of Swimming Coaching
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
Journal of the Irish Dental Association
Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association
Journal of the Japanese Society of Bone Morphometry
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
Journal of the Japan Statistical Society
Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
Journal of the Learning Sciences
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet Thangphaet
Journal of the Medical Library Association
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
Journal of the Michigan Dental Association
Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Monographs
Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (JNCCN)
Journal of the National Medical Association
Journal of the Nepal Research Centre
Journal of the Neurological Sciences
Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association
Journal of the New York State Nurses' Association
Journal of the New Zealand Society of Periodontology
Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association
Journal of Theological Studies
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Journal of Theoretical Archaeology
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Journal of Theoretical Educational Science
Journal of Theoretical Politics
Journal of Theoretical Probability
Journal of Theory and Practice in Education
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society
Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System
Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System (JPNS)
Journal of the Philosophy of History
Journal of the Philosophy of Sports
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Journal of the Polynesian Society (Jps)
Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound
Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (JRAAS)
Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology
Journal of Thermal Biology
Journal of Thermodynamics
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society of Oxford
Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Journal of the Royal Musical Association
Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine open
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C
Journal of the Rutgers University Library.
Journal of the Saudi Heart Association
Journal of the science of art
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
Journal of the Society for American Music
Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology
Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
Journal of the Society of Archivists
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan
Journal of the South African Dental Association (SADJ)
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Journal of the South African Veterinary Association
Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association
Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association
Journal of the Turkish Academy of Dermatology
Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology/Periodontal Abstracts
Journal of the Wexford Historical Society
Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Journal of Thoracic Disease
Journal of Thoracic Imaging
Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Journal of Threatened Taxa
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis
Journal of Thyroid Disorders & Therapy
Journal of Thyroid Research
Journal of Time Series Analysis
Journal of Tissue Engineering
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Journal of Tissue Science and Engineering
Journal of Tissue Viability
Journal of Topology
Journal of Tourism and Peace Research
Journal of Tourism & Hospitality
Journal of Toxicological Sciences
Journal of Toxicologic Pathology
Journal of Toxicology
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part B
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation
Journal of Transcultural Nursing
Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies
Journal of Transformative Education
Journal of Translation
Journal of Translational Medicine
Journal of Translational Science
Journal of Transnational American Studies
Journal of Transplantation
Journal of Transport and Land Use
Journal of Transportation Security
Journal of Transportation Technologies
Journal of Transport & Health
Journal of Transport History
Journal of Transport Literature
Journal of Trauma
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation
Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes
Journal of Trauma Nursing
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment
Journal of Trauma & Treatment
Journal of Travel Medicine
Journal of Tropical Agriculture
Journal of Tropical Ecology
Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment
Journal of Tropical Life Science
Journal of Tropical Medicine
Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics
Journal of Trust Research
Journal of Turkish Science Education
Journal of Turkish Studies
Journal of Ultrasonography
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
Journal of Universal Computer Science
Journal of Universal Knowledge Management
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems
Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning
Journal of UOEH
Journal of Urban Affairs
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering
Journal of Urban design
Journal of Urban Economics
Journal of Urban Ethnology
Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine
Journal of Urban History
Journal of Urban Mathematics Education
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal
Journal of Urban Technology
Journal of Urology
Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B, Nanotechnology & Microelectronics
Journal of Value Inquiry
Journal of Vascular Access
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR)
Journal of Vascular Diseases
Journal of vascular medicine & surgery
Journal of Vascular Nursing
Journal of Vascular Research
Journal of Vascular Surgery
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques
Journal of Vascular Surgery : Venous and Lymphatic Disorders
Journal of Vector Borne Diseases
Journal of Vector Ecology
Journal of Vectorial Relativity
Journal of Vegetation Science
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases
Journal of Venom Research
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Journal of Vestibular Research
Journal of Veterinary Advances
Journal of veterinary behavior
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology
Journal of veterinary clinical practice & pet care
Journal of Veterinary Dentistry
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series B (former)
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Journal of Veterinary Science
Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
Journal of Victorian Culture
Journal of Viral Hepatitis
Journal of Virological Methods
Journal of Virology
Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research
Journal of Virus Eradication
Journal of Visceral Surgery
Journal of vision
Journal of Vision
Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine
Journal of Visual Culture
Journal of Visualization
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Journal of Visualized Experiments (Jove)
Journal of visualized surgery
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Journal of Vocational Education and Training
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Journal of Voice
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
Journal of Water and Environment Technology
Journal of Water and Health
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water Resource and Protection
Journal of water, sanitation and hygiene for development
Journal of Wealth Management
Journal of Web Engineering
Journal of Web Semantics
Journal of Well-Being Assessment
Journal of Wetland Archaeology
Journal of Wilderness Medicine
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Journal of Wildlife Management
Journal of William Morris Studies
Journal of Women and Aging
Journal of Women, Politics and Policy
Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education
Journal of Women's Health
Journal of Women's History
Journal of Women’s & Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
Journal of Workplace Learning
Journal of World Christianity
Journal of World History
Journal of World Prehistory
Journal of World-Systems Research
Journal of World Trade
Journal of Wound Care
Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing
Journal of Wound Technology
Journal of Wrist Surgery
Journal of Writing Research
Journal of Xenobiotics
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
Journal of Yasar University
Journal of Young Pharmacists
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Journal of Youth Studies
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B
Journal of Ziya Gokalp Faculty of Education
Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Journal of Zoology
Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
Journal on European History of Law
Journal Onkologie
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation
Journal Plus Education
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Journal Tunisien d’ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale
Journées annuelles de diabétologie de l'Hôtel-Dieu
Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles
JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition
JPhys Energy
JPhys Materials
JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
JPS conference proceedings
JRSM Cardiovascular Disease
JRSM Short Reports
JSBi Bioinformatics Review
JSES International
JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques
JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
JSM neurosurgery and spine
JSM Ophthalmology
JSPP newsletter
JTCVS Techniques
JTO Clinical and Research Reports
Judaica - Beitraege zum Verstehen des Judentums
Judaica : Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums
Judaica Bohemiae
Judaica. Neue digitale Folge
Judaïsme ancien : revue internationale d'histoire et de philologie
Judgment and Decision Making
Judith Le Soldat
Jugendbewegung und Jugendkulturen
JuKiP : Ihr Fachmagazin für Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflege
Junctures : The Journal for Thematic Dialogue
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products
Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal
Junge Kirche
Junge Rechtswissenschaft Luzern
Jung History
JUNG: the e-Journal of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Study
Junior Management Science
JURA : Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis
JURA : Juristische Ausbildung
Juridica International
Juridical Tribune
JuristenZeitung (JZ)
Juristische Arbeitsblätter (JA)
Juristische Blätter
Juristische Rundschau
Juristische Schulung : JuS : Zeitschrift für Studium und Referendariat
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Jurnal Intelek
Jurnal Kejuruteraan
Jurnal Kemanusiaan
Jurnal Komunikasi : Malaysian Journal of Communication
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Jurnal Nanosains & Nanoteknologi
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia
Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis
Jurnal Sistem Komputer
Jurnal Tanah Tropika
Jurnal Teknik Industri
Jurnal Teknik Mesin
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi
Jurnalul de Chirurgie
Jurnalul Pediatrului
Jurnalul Român de Anestezie Terapie Intensivã
Jurnalul Român de Psihologie, Psihoterapie şi Neuroştiinţe
Jus Cogens
Jusletter IT
Justice - Justiz - Giustiza : die Schweizer Richterzeitung
Just Labour : A Canadian Journal of Work and Society
Južnoslovenski Filolog
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